Friday, March 19, 2010

Not doing well....

It seemed to be a tough day for Louie today. When I was working out around the barn this morning, I noticed that quite often when he started off at a walk, he was have problems with intermittent locking of his left patella. This is the first time I've ever seen the left leg present any trouble other then when backing up. It would take him a few strides to get going. He is extremely reluctant to back up at all. He is not bearing weight on the right leg much at all.

The farrier came today. I had Louie's shoes pulled as I certainly won't be needing them anytime soon. Louie was not happy about having any of his legs held up. Especially the fronts as that is where he is stable. Once a front leg is picked up, he is forced to put weight on both his back legs and he just doesn't want to do that right now. Louie did the best he could though and my farrier was very patient with him.

Bonnie and I went riding this afternoon. I was worried as this was the first time Louie was left behind all alone. I didn't know if being left alone would make him fuss. Thankfully, he handled it very well. He called to us a few times but that was about it. GOOD BOY. He has been so good about everything that's been thrown at him. When we got back from riding, Bonnie and I were hanging around in the paddock chatting and Louie had to be right there soaking up all the love he could get. Louie is just the sweetest mule. Bonnie said it right when she compared him to a big,goofy, lovable Lab (dog). That does very well describe his personality. It just breaks my heart to see such a lovely animal going through what Louie is going through right now.

I just pray that we can find out something definite when I take Louie for his x-rays on Tuesday morning so we will better know what to do for him.

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