I managed to sell the Mikmar bit I bought for Louie on ebay. That was a big help since I was able to call the vet and schedule the appointment for Louie to have hip x-rays. I will take him in next Tuesday morning. I was sorry to hear Dr. Lund is not working that day. I really like her. I will be getting Dr. Boulton and Dr. Brown. Dr. Brown is a very experienced vet so I have no worries about her doing a good job for sure. And the only thing I hold against Dr. Boulton is his dire predictions of gloom and doom on Louie. I will hate it if the x-rays prove him right, but I don't really have any worries about him doing a good job either. Dr. Lund said they usually knock them right out and lay them down to do hip x-rays, but where Louie is smallish and so scrawny and bony,(Not underweight, just slim with small frame and little muscle right now, don't worry everyone, he is being well fed) she thinks they may be able to do the x-rays with him standing. I hope so, it will be a lot easier on Louie if they can.
So, this afternoon I gave Louie a break and tortured my dog instead. Time for a hair cut!!!! (Though either way this little guy is not going to win any beauty contests.....)

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