Saturday, February 15, 2014

Friday, February 7, 2014

Drill Team Practice and Winter Trail Ride

We finally managed to get together for a drill team practice. Well 4 of us did anyway, Susie, Linda, Brooke and I. I had to load Buckshot and Marie down at the end of the driveway. There is just enough snow on the driveway to make me nervous about taking the trailer down it with them loaded. I rode Marie today. Both Marie and Susie's horse, Dixie, were in heat and they were very crabby towards each other. We had to think hard to remember the drill pattern as it's been so long since our last practice. Buckshot did great today. Brooked worked him a but after the practice and he looked the best I've seen him since I got him. 

Since it was a relatively nice day and the snow is just right, we decided to go for a trail ride out behind Upper Pond Stable. All the ponies were happy to be out and Buckshot was doing his power walk. He just seems to love being out lately. A sign he's feeling better with his Lyme treatment. As a matter of fact, he was feeling too good as at one point when I trotted ahead with Marie, Buckshot did a bit of bucking. Brooke stuck with him but earned a good bruise to her belly from the saddle horn. Dixie got a little bucky too.