(The picture was taken after I arrived at the clinic, but just wanted to show his spiffy "do")
Louie is all packed and ready to go to the Myhre Clinic tomorrow morning. I gave him a hair cut and groomed him and he looks much more presentable. His ears are already almost too short for a respectable mule, so I can't have any long hair making them appear any shorter then they already are. I gave my boarder's mule, River, a hair cut also since I had the clippers out. He was a good boy. So, both mule look nice. I was a dirty, itchy mess.
It was a busy day with clipping manes, barn cleaning, a trip to the feed store and moving some hay. I measured out Louie's meals into baggies and packed them in the trailer. Made sure I had all the paperwork I needed. And also made sure to put my GPS into the truck so I wouldn't end up in Alaska instead of NH. Hopefully, I can sneak in a quick nap in the morning before heading out.
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