Thursday, March 25, 2010

Call today

When I was at the vet's on Tuesday, Dr. Brown and I had a long talk about Louie and what possible options there are for him. She told me to call one of my neighbors, Lola, who she knew was looking for a horse. I've know Lola since I was, as they say, knee high to a grasshopper. I used to ride her horses when I was a little girl. I have not known her to do much riding in years, and if all she was looking for was a pasture pet, Louie would be wonderful for her. And a better home could not be found.

I called Lola Wednesday night from work. She told me right up straight, "no, I don't want your mule". Lola plans to start riding again and wants to find a nice quiet steady horse. But, she did happen to know that the people who lived across the street from her were actively looking for a mule. So, she told me to give them a call. I don't know these people really, but had noticed they have some donkeys. So, I took their phone number and said I'd call them on Thursday. I didn't know if Louie was be anything they would be interested in, nor am I sure I'm ready to let him go. But, there would be no harm in talking with them.

When I got home Thursday morning, I spent quite a bit of time out in the barn, then came in, checked my email, and promptly fell asleep in my recliner. I was awaken by the doorbell ringing at about 11:30 AM. There was a woman at the door and she introduced herself as Penny, the woman Lola had told me about. She was very interested in taking a look at Louie. She had two young girls with her. We went out back and Louie came right to the gate looking for attention and showed just what a love sponge he is. Penny really liked Louie. She said she and her husband were looking for something that was trained so they could go for rides out on the trail. I told her I was not sure whether Louie would ever be up to that again or not. I sure hoped so and was going to work hard to get him to that point, but no guarantees. I told her the best thing would be for her to call my vet. We have the same vet and she said she would do this. I wanted to make sure she fully understands what she is getting if she takes Louie, and if I decide to let him go. And, I told her I would only let him go on trial. If either one of us was not happy with things, he would come right back to me.

Just a little while after I'd gotten back into the house, I got a call from the vet clinic. They said they'd gotten a call from someone looking for information on Louie and needed my permission before they could give out any information. So, I'll see if I hear anything now that the neighbors have talked to the vet. My feeling is they are going to want a mule they know they are going to be able to ride.

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