Monday, March 1, 2010

No more waiting

Well, I've heard back from most everyone now and things are in motion. Jennifer Brooks, the equine physical therapist, has been in contact with me. She told me she was doing a presentation at the Myhre Veterinary Clinic in Rochester, NH on Thursday and as that is 1 1/2 hr. drive closer then to go to her own facility, we tentatively decided to meet at the clinic. She asked that I contact the Myhre clinic and see about having the vet there examine Louie.

Then I got an email from the woman that had Louie last summer. She never got my email but read this blog and contacted me. (Thank you Karen!!!)As I had figured, Louie was mostly ridden easily and on fairly flat terrain. So, Karen had seen no signs of Louie's condition as I hadn't until I started adding more trotting and hill work to our riding.

I called the Myhre Clinic this morning. I had not more gotten out "I am calling about setting up an appointment for my mule...." when the woman who answered the phone said "Oh, yes, we've been waiting for you to call". Threw me off for a moment. Jennifer Brooks, the physical therapist, had already told them about Louie. The clinic is holding a Veterninarian and Technician training conference this coming Thursday and Friday. The clinic wanted to know if I would be willing to let them use Louie for their "wet lab" for the conference. "Wet lab"???? Sounded ominous, like they were going to dissect my mule or something! Not so, just the term for the hands on part of the clinic on ultrasonography. Ok, I was in. My only cost will be the initial exam. I think this is a great opportunity and I think Louie will be a great mule ambASSador as he is such a nice mule that likes everyone and does not mind being poked and prodded anywhere.

I have to bring Louie to the clinic on Wednesday. They need to do the initial exam that day before the conference. I've arranged to meet with Jennifer Brooks on Thursday at 2:30pm. Then, I will pick Louie up Friday evening after the conference is over. It is a 2 hr. drive to the clinic so I am going to contact a friend that lives only 25 or so mile from the clinic to see if maybe I can stay with her a night or so to save on driving.

I had to contact ABC clinic where I took Louie when he first presented signs of his condition. Myhre Clinic wanted me to get discharge papers from the vet who examined Louie so they would have documantation on what the vet found when I brought Louie there. And I arranged with Myhre clinic to send all copies of any paperwork and diagnostic work to ABC clinic as that is where I want any continued treatment done if it is needed. I also finally heard back from one of the vets I had emailed at ABC clinic. She was away and that was why she had not contacted me sooner. I was glad to hear from her as I wanted to make sure ABC Clinic knows what was going on and why I was taking Louie to the Myhre clinic.

The weather is also looking good for the next week so there should be no problems with traveling. Now, I'm just hoping all goes well.

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