The morning had an interesting start with Truck problems. I had backed my trailer up to the garage so I could check my tire pressure before heading out. When I was done and got in the truck to pull it down off the hill, the key wouldn't turn. Absolutely would not budge. I tried wiggling the steering wheel back and forth but nope, nada, nothing. Panic!! I called my garage and they didn't have much for suggestions other then the steering lock mechanism would likely have to be replaced and it would take a few days to get the parts.
Not a good answer. So, unable to think of anything better to do, I sprayed the key with WD-40 inserted the key, wiggled it a bit and wha-la, it worked. Apparently WD-40DOES fix everything. If that hadn't worked, I was going to try something with bailing twine or duct tape......
Anyway, though I had a two hour drive, I still managed to arrive at the clinic on time. Louie was quickly settled into a stall. There seemed to be a color theme going on at the clinic, all the horses there were "red heads". Only one Icelandic stallion was different being a black. Louie had his initial exam. I'm a little discouraged I admit. Louie is not really locking much at all now except when backing up. But, he is lame on the right rear. The vet, Dr. Myhre, does not think that the intermittent locking patella is Louie's primary problem but rather secondary to something else. He has a bit of swelling in his right hock. So, x-rays were taken of his hock and stifle. Louie has mild arthritis in his hock. !!!! That took me by surprise as Louie we never ridden until he was 4 years old and then over last summer just lightly trail ridden mostly at a walk. BUT, Dr. Myhre said the arthritis is too mild to be causing the lameness we are seeing. ACK! He said an intermittent locking patella does not ususally cause constant lameness as Louie has so that is why he thinks there is something else going on. Other then the mild arthritis, everything else in the xrays looked ok. Dr. Myhre is excited about this case (glad someone is) as it is not a "black and white" case (his words) so more interesting...... :-/ Tomorrow Louie won't be doing much. They will be shaving whatever parts need to be shaved for the untrasounds. Then the "wet lab" will be on Friday. Dr. Myhre said they will do a thorough workup and that 36 of the finest vets in the area will be looking at him. (sigh)
On a brighter note, Louie was absolutely wonderful today. Dr. Myhre said they see very few mules there (as there are so few in New England period!!) Louie was perfect for the exam and the xrays. And that was scary as it was not a portable xray but a huge scary looking contraption with many mule eating arms....They gave Louie a mild sedative for the xrays and he didn't fuss over the needle or about being xrayed. He has just been his usual sweet self. Asking everyone that comes near him "wanna bond with me? hey, how 'bout you, wanna bond????" LOLOL. As I suspected he is being a wonderful mule ambassador. After Louie was settled back into his stall, I drove to my friend, Kathie's house where I am spending the night as she is only 34 miles from the clinic.
On Wed, Mar 3, 2010 at 10:03 AM, Amy Finger
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