Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Learning respect

Today I noticed that Louie is really learning to respect me. His manners have never been bad but he is a 5 year old boy mule.....need I say more. Truthfully, I have been very pleased to have a mule that seems to have no real bad habits or "issues". But, when he was first came here, he slowly started pushing his boundaries as they all will. Then, one day, when I was coming out of the feed room, he stood right in the doorway and refused to move when I spoke to him. I waved my hand and told him to back up .... and he stood with that look of "nope, and what can you, puny human that you are, do about it". There I was in the feed room with all my handy training gear. So, I grabbed a crop, told him to back up one more time, and when he still didn't move, quickly followed up with a good hard slap in the chest with the crop. Well, I can tell you that got his feet moving! He spun around and ran off shaking his head. Then stopped a little ways off with his ears at half mast and the mulie thinking expression on his face. A few minutes later, he came back looking for attention or forgiveness? Not sure which or if it was either but he did come back and with a MUCH more respectful attitude.

When I fed this morning, it was very cold at about 5 degrees. I decided to clean stalls in the afternoon when it would be sunny and warmer. (You know, like all of 20 degrees or so....) I went out about 3:00 PM. It was just close enough to feeding time to catch every ones interest so I was greeted with much nickering and huffing from the mules. It only took a few minutes for my mare, Marie, to realized that no feed was forthcoming and go about her business. Louie, on the other hand, was bored and if no feeding was going to happen, then he figured I had come out to entertain him. So, he made quite a pest of himself looking for attention. But, he was not rude about it. All I have to do now is speak to him, or just face him and point and say "back up" and he moves away and gives me space immediately. GOOD BOY. So, we entertained each other. When he came into the barn, I'd ask him to back or move over. He did each time right away so then I'd pat him and fuss over him. Then, he would go out and stalk my dog around the paddock and then the cat and them come back in for more attention from me. Sometimes it's hard to get work done around the barn with mules as they are so entertaining to watch.

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