Saturday, February 27, 2010

I feel a bit like I'm living in a vaccuum. I still have not been contacted by either vet at the clinic I've been trying to get in touch with. I also emailed the woman that rode Louie last summer just trying to get the history on just what kind of riding has been done with Louie such as frequency, speed, distance, terrain etc. But, I haven't heard back from her either. I did get an initial response from the physical therapist I contacted but have not gotten an answer yet to what it will cost to bring Louie to her for an evaluation.

Last night when I went out to feed, Louie was all worried about a pair of mallard ducks down in the river. I was surprised to see them also as it's a bit early. Anyway, Louie did not want to go inside to eat as he couldn't keep his eye on them from inside the run-in.

This morning he was all wound up and feeling silly. He trotted across the paddock a few times and did a few jumps into the air. He looked real good and I was hopful. After he ate he went out with Marie and trotted around a bit more looking good, but then he took off at a gallop up the hill and was quickly running on 3 legs. He tried 3 or 4 times to gallop around but locked up every time.

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