Sunday, April 10, 2011

Riding with Bonnie and Barbara

Today was another nice day so Barbara and I decided to ride down at Brown's Point. I had talked with Bonnie last night and she said she was going to ride there so we could meet up and ride together. Susie and Joanie were originally going to join us but they decided to go to Pine Point Beach. They have permits and wanted to make use of them before the time ran out to go. The rest of us don't have permits and it's too late in the season to bother getting one now.

Barbara met me at Brown's Point. Bonnie was not there when I arrived so Barbara called her just to make sure she was coming. She told Barbara she'd decided not to ride. So, we started tacking up and Bonnie called back and asked if we'd mind waiting for her. We told her we didn't mind at all. We'd just ride down the road and come back to meet her. So that is what we did. Louie was a little "worried" when we started out but he was a very good boy. When we got back to our trailer, Bonnie had arrived and just unloaded her mule Dolly. She quickly tacked up and we headed out down the tar road. Bonnie wanted to get in some time on paved road with some traffic. Brown's point isn't real busy but there is always some traffic. Bonnie's previous ride here had not been very good.

Bonnie was in the lead and when we had not gone far when a car came by and Dolly tried to spin. Bonnie caught it quick and got her going back down the road quickly. By the time we got to the causeway, Bonnie was ahead of us just a little. Dolly was reluctant to cross the causeway bridge but she did go. The equines are never thrilled with this bridge. I think it is because it is narrow and over a tidal river so the water never looks the same due to the tidal ebb and flow. There were some people just coming up off the river over the rock embankment on the far side of the bridge and a van parked on the side of the road. Dolly fussed a little bit going past that but not bad. Louie was not concerned about the people and went by quietly. We caught up to Bonnie and I was right behind her when a bicycle came by. Dolly spun around into Louie. Thankfully Louie did not care about the bicycle and only moved enough to get out of Dolly's way. Bonnie quickly got Dolly back around and moving down the road again. After that Dolly seemed to settle right down. She didn't fuss about any thing else we passed. We had more bicycles, cars, truck with trailer and people. On the way back when we had to cross the causeway again, Neither Louie or Dolly wanted to lead across. Dolly really got stubborn about it this time. I made Louie go. He wasn't happy but he did it. Good Boy!! Just before we got back to the trailers two motorcycles came along towards us. Bonnie was quite worried about how Dolly would react to them. So, we put good old Marie out front, Bonnie in the middle and I brought up the rear. Both motorcycle zipped by us and neither mule so much as wiggled an ear at them. Bonnie was SO happy and pleased with Dolly as all in all she really was a good girl and Bonnie was able to easily handle what fussing she did do. I was proud of them both. And once again very pleased with Louie. It was a nice ride.

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