Thursday, April 7, 2011

Good Training Day

I worked with both Marie and Louie together today.I usually separate them to work but I thought it might spark Louie's interest to see Marie playing after his lack of interest yesterday. It turns out it wasn't lack of interest yesterday, Louie has simply decided he just does not want to pick up the tennis ball bowling pin toy. When I got out the rope bone, he was right back to his old self eager to play. Marie once again did WONDERFUL. She even nipped the toy once. She is sending and targeting GREAT! I never thought I'd see the day with her! She might never actually fetch but at this point I would no longer count that out. It's just taking more time with her. Marie is so eager to play now that she's figuring out the rules and knows what to do. And at least I did groom them both before taking video today though it's that time of year you really can't get them looking clean. I took yesterday's video of a very dirty mule.

Marie "sending" and targeting with a little nibble on the target

Louie being asked to fetch and refusing (he does not like this toy)but Marie more then happy to target

Louie doing 2 fetches in a row

1 comment:

  1. Louie is a star once more! Mo was watching and just was NOT grasping a mule doing "fetch". She tilted her head like the Victrola dog, and we watched a second time. She looked at me like " how'd he do dat". Nice job Cindy!
