Friday, April 22, 2011

Continuing with our Training

Even though the MulesOnly trainers challenge is completed, I've found I just can't stop training. I have gotten into such a regular pattern of working with Louie and Marie. And they both enjoy and look forward to our training time. I blame Wendy Lawrence for this!!! *big smile*

Today I worked on bowing with both of them. Louie did GREAT! For the first time today he went into a bow on his own and held the position. He only offered this twice but up until now, when he got into the bow position he would get back up just as quick as he could. He seems to feel vulnerable in this position so I guess it takes a bit of trust for him to hold the bow.

Marie did well too. She will bow quickly but only if I hold her foot up. She won't offer the bow without assistance yet. I am not going to work on fetching with her anymore. It is too complex a trick for her to grasp and she just gets frustrated. I want to work on some easy things with her so she can have some success and rewards.

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