Monday, April 4, 2011

Only 5 Days Left.....

Only 5 more days until we submit our videos for the 2011 MulesOnly Trainer's Challenge. Yikes! I bought yet another toy for Louie. He's having a hard time holding onto the tennis ball bone shaped one. But, he seems to prefer the toys covered with the tennis ball material. I went to the tack shop to buy Louie a new bit and there found a toy I thought he might be able to pick up easily. It is tennis ball material but shaped a bit like a bowling pin. And with a squeaker. When I got back from the store, I went out to see what he thought of it. Marie was all over me wanting to touch whatever I had. She doesn't care what it is as long as touching it earns her a treat. Louie had to sniff it over pretty hard but then decided he would pick it up. And it was easy for him to grip it. Though one time that I tossed it in front of him it started rolling down the hill and that spooked him a bit. So, I now have just 5 days to get him back to doing full fetches with the new toys.

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