Sunday, April 3, 2011

April Fools

Well, it was no joke, we got a boat load of snow. Over a foot of it and very wet and heavy snow at that. It collapsed the roof to my chicken run and brought down some branches. When I waded out through the snow to feed this morning and got to the barn, I found the rubber toy still sitting on some hay that Louie didn't touch. I played with both Marie and Louie for just a short time. Marie doesn't care about the new toys. She happily will target anything I toss on the floor in front of her. But, she still will only target and only if I throw it right in front of her. She won't move to target yet. Louie still wouldn't even look at the rubber toy. And was less then enthusiastic about the others. Guess I should have worked on targeting multiple objects right from the start. This has caused quite a set back in the training. But, that's OK, I think he'll get back on board with it. And he did pickup both of the other toys. He has a hard time holding on to the tennis ball bone as he tries to just pick up by the end so just gets a little pinch of it in his teeth.

Louie and my dog Lance love to play this game of chase. Lance runs through the front paddock to the shelter then turns around and runs back across the paddock and out under the gate. Louie chases him back and forth. They both love doing this. When they both get tired, Lance will stand right under Louie while they both catch their breath and when Lance is ready, he will run again and the play resumes. It is so funny to watch though I worry that Louie might hurt Lance accidentally. So, I took some video of them playing this morning.

I decided to let my dogs have the rubber toy since Louie doesn't like it. I took it out of the barn and called the dogs over and threw it to them. They both charged after it, got to it, stopped and sniffed it.....and walked away without touching it. Hummmmmmmmmm, That's bad if even the dogs don't want it.

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