Wednesday, April 13, 2011



I am going to steal a bit of Louie's blog space to write a little something about the most wonderful horse that I have ever had the pleasure to know, own, train and ride. (Louie won't mind, he likes Marie.)

Marie was born April 13th 1991 at the Maine State Society for the Protection of Animals shelter in South Windham, Maine. Her dam, pregnant with Marie, and sire had been taken from a bad situation and Marie was born at the shelter. 19 years ago I found my self in the unusual situation of not having a horse. Someone suggested I go to the shelter to see if there was something there that might be suitable for me. At the time all I was doing was just trail riding and so was looking for something so I could get right back to riding. I went to the shelter with my soon to be husband. We looked at quite a few horses and found one that we thought would be suitable for him. A 15H stocky built Appy mare that was 20+ years old but with lots of life in her still for riding. But, I didn't see anything that was really what I was looking for.

Barbara riding Marie, me on Emma Jane the mule at Popham Beach

Me driving Marie at the TROT sleigh rally

We went into the office to sign paperwork for the Appy mare and the director of the shelter asked me if I'd ever trained any young horses. I told her I had and she asked if I'd be interested in looking at a yearling. I really did not want to wait for a young horse to grow up but thought it wouldn't hurt to look. The director told me to go out to the barn and ask the woman working the the barn to show me Marie. Fred and I went out and told the woman that the director wanted me to look at Marie and the woman just stared at me for a moment, then asked if I was sure she said Marie. She said he was just surprised as the director had not let anyone look at Marie. Anyway, the woman brought me to Marie's stall and there was a lovely 14 month old liver chestnut filly with a flaxen mane and tail and a wide white blaze down her face. She was sweet and friendly and there sure was nothing to not like about her.

Me on Marie in pond in Phippsburg. Mary Ellen on Blackie behind - Hi Ho Silver!

My step-daugher Holly and granddaughter Madison riding Marie

We went back into to office to talk more about me adopting Marie. The director thought Marie would be a great match for me in size as I am a long legged 6' tall. Marie's Dam was 16H and her sire was nearly 17H. Marie at 14 months was 14.1H so would grow to be a nice tall horse I'd look good on. I decided to go ahead and adopt Marie and it was one of the smartest things I've ever done. Unfortunately Marie did not grow to be a nice tall horse. She just reached 15H. But it didn't matter. Anything she has lacked in size she more then made up for in heart.

Marie showing off her new cart. This was not long after nearly losing her to an autoimmune disease triggered from a vaccine. That is why her coat is blotchy.

Marie is not the most talented horse I've had but by far the best. She has done everything I've asked her to do. She's done it willingly and to the best of her ability. I started her trail riding at 4 years old. I've been on a drill team with her. She's been my step-daughter's 4H project. I started competitive trail riding and endurance riding with her when she was 7 years old and she has done every distance I've asked her to do up to a one day 100. And while we only made 90 miles, we quit the ride due to me not her, she vetted out with flying colors at 90 miles and was more then ready to finish the race. I trained her to drive when she was 9 years old and she has done CTR drives, show driving and a sleigh rally. I also taught her to jump and she faithfully took me to many a hunter pace, a arena jumping show and even one fox hunt. She is the kind of steady, dependable horse that you can ride anytime and anywhere. And she is one that you can trust with riders of any skill level. Now that I have a mule and I'm not riding her as much, she is a favorite choice for many to ride. So, here is to Marie! Still going strong and hopefully will be for many years to come.

Doing a "trot out" at the Maine 3 day 80 mile CTR

Training Marie to bow

Barbara riding Marie


  1. That is one of the sweetest posts EVER. Happy Late Birthday Marie!
