Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Riding and Training

Today was a nice day with my "kids". Bonnie came over with her mule to ride with me. I went out to the barn before she arrived and just played around with Louie and Marie for a while. I had Marie do some targeting. And we also worked on her being polite about taking treats. Or rather her NOT taking treats but rather letting me slide them into her mouth through her interdental space. She is doing well with this. Marie wasn't targeting very well at first but quickly got into it and did well. Today I had Louie pick up a bunch of different items. Brushes, shedding blade, toys and such. At first he didn't know if he really wanted to pick up all the different items but he too quickly figured out what I wanted and was picking whatever I dropped and handing it to me. I also worked with Louie no bowing. He is getting better and did two complete bows today. Once he plunked his forhead right on the ground between his legs.

When Bonnie arrived I quickly saddled up Marie. Louie got very worried he was going to be left behind. So, when I showed him his halter he shoved his head right in. He loves going out being ponied from Marie. Bonnie was parked out front and had a bit of a confrontation with Dolly when she tried to rush out back where I was with Louie and Marie. She quickly got Dolly under control. We just rode out to the overpass and back which is only about 6 miles. Dolly was very good out on the road today. Louie was a goof ball. He hates how slow Marie walks so he kept nipping her. I had to really get after him to make him quite doing that. Then he would walk with his head resting on Marie's Butt. It was funny but I had to make him stop doing that also. Good thing Marie is such a tolerant horse. It was a nice ride. When we got back and Bonnie separated from me to go to her trailer, Dolly pitched another fit. But once again Bonnie managed to get her under control and made her behave. Today was such a lovely warm sunny day. Tomorrow is going to be a total washout so I'm glad I got out today.

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