Monday, April 25, 2011

Sabattus Ride with Susie

Today I had two options to ride. Bonnie and Linda were going to Phippsburg. But, they were riding at 10:00am. Not a good time for me unless I took the night off work. Susie was also riding and was open on time. We decided to ride at 1:00 and go to Monmouth. When Susie arrived, she asked if we might just ride from my house and that was fine with me. We decided to try the trails to Sabattus. We figured if any trails were dry enough it would be the Sabattus trails. Susie was riding Cody today.

We did about 15 miles today. But, had to to slow things down a bit as Louie feet were sore. The ride in Phippsburg had been harder on his feet then I realized. We still had a great ride, we just took it easy over the rocky sections. Louie was wonderful

Friday, April 22, 2011

Wonderful Ride in Phippsburg

Finally, we had absolutely lovely weather today. It was sunny and warm but not too warm for our still winter fuzzy equines. A friend, Trish, was riding Marie today. She has never ridden Marie before. She has two nice horses of her own but neither has been ridden much this year and today was going to be a faster conditioning ride for us distance riders. So, Trish agreed to ride Marie for me. I was thrilled to have Trish along. Louie loaded into the trailer good this morning. He was quiet and relaxed. Marie was delighted to not be left behind.

I picked up Trish at the Bowdoin Central School and we then met Susie, who was riding Spark, and Joanie with her wonderful mare Frannie. We parked by Devil's highway and were in the saddle by 10:15. Louie was just fabulous today. It's like some switch has gone off in his head and he seems to understand what his job is. We rode quite fast today. We did a lot of trotting and cantering. Louie did great today keeping up. He is not strong on hills yet with trotting. He will power walk up or is happy to canter up the hills. Because of the soft tissue injury to his hip last year, I'm not pushing the trotting right now. I let him do what he feels is easiest for now. And Louie was very good about the speed. He seemed to be really enjoying moving along like we were today but he didn't get silly about it. And he did not eyeball any mule eating rocks today. Nor did he hesitate any any ditch, water or mud hole. We were able to get out on the trails today too. That sure was nice. We went to the top of Fuller's Mountain. It's kind of a stretch naming it a mountain but it is high enough to get a fabulous view of the tidal basin. And it was so clear today we could see Mt. Washington in NH.

On the way down Fuller's Mountain, we were crossing a swampy spot and Marie's saddle slid around. Trish was able to get off and land on both feet before the saddle went completely around. We quickly got Marie's saddle back on properly and were on our way. I think Trish had a good time riding Marie and it sure was fun having her along. All four of the equines were good today and made a nice group.

I am just amazed and delighted in the transformation I am seeing in Louie. He's proving to be tougher then I expected. He doesn't have the speed of my last mule Ruby but he he's forward and willing and shows no signs of being at all lazy. His confidence is growing in leaps and bounds right now. I'm going to be grinning from ear to ear for days now!

Continuing with our Training

Even though the MulesOnly trainers challenge is completed, I've found I just can't stop training. I have gotten into such a regular pattern of working with Louie and Marie. And they both enjoy and look forward to our training time. I blame Wendy Lawrence for this!!! *big smile*

Today I worked on bowing with both of them. Louie did GREAT! For the first time today he went into a bow on his own and held the position. He only offered this twice but up until now, when he got into the bow position he would get back up just as quick as he could. He seems to feel vulnerable in this position so I guess it takes a bit of trust for him to hold the bow.

Marie did well too. She will bow quickly but only if I hold her foot up. She won't offer the bow without assistance yet. I am not going to work on fetching with her anymore. It is too complex a trick for her to grasp and she just gets frustrated. I want to work on some easy things with her so she can have some success and rewards.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Stone Wall ride at Allie's

Little Louie being careful of his ears as he pulls his head back into the trailer.

Cody and Little Louie in Susie's trailer ready for an adventure!

Today Susie and I trailered up north east to ride with Allie. I'm not sure what town we went to but it was up Ellsworth day and a 2 hour drive. It was yet another cold windy day. I was meeting Susie at the Exit 46 gas station. From there she trailered us up. Louie loaded well at home. I was a little early arriving at Exit 46 station. So I gassed up and had just parked when Susie pulled in also a little bit early. Louie jumped right into Susie's trailer happy to be going on an adventure with Susie's horse Cody. The drive to Allie's was uneventful and we arrived in good time. Allie bought a horse from Susie last year. A 16 yr. old Marie named MacKenzie. The farm where Allie is boarding MacKenzie is lovely and the owners seems to be super nice people. A 4th person, Diana, was riding with us. A friend of Allie's that Susie and I did not know. Susie and I got tacked up. Louie was gawking around pretty hard but seemed quite relaxed. When we were ready to go, Diana had not yet arrived so we just went down the road a little way and came back. Diana was there when we got back. She'd had trouble loading her horse Harley which is what caused her to be late. Harley is a 7 year old Morgan gelding. Diana was soon tacked up and we were on our way.

Getting ready to ride. Allie with Mackenzie, Cody and Little Louie

Allie has started out riding with just a bareback pad. But, MacKenzie was not behaving well so when we'd returned to the barn while waiting for Diana, Allie borrowed a saddle from the farm owner to put on Mac. It was a good think as Mac's behavior did not improve during the ride. Cody was being ....... Cody. Both Cody and Mac wanted to be in front and were being quite the handfuls. Diana's horse Harley was a bit stirred up at first due to the behavior of Mac and Cody but he soon settled down. He is a real nice horse. Louie did extremely well. He was not sure what to make of Cody and Mac but he minded his own business and listened to me very well. We'd had hard rain the previous day and there was a lot of water on the trails. Louie was great about going through the water. Quite a few times I was in the lead with Louie. He did not hesitate at all and was very steady. He was not looking for mule eating monsters behind every rock today. The only thing he balked at was a stream crossing that was a bit funky looking. There was snow and ice right in that spot and it was a bit "ditchy". The ice was soft so not slippery but it was breaking and scary to the equines. Cody hopped right over but none of the others liked it. I ended up leading Louie over. He was doing his best to work up his courage to cross but couldn't quite do it with me mounted. I was pleased with his "try" even though I ended up leading him. There were several blown down trees along the trail I cleared out of the way. But, we finally came to one that was too big and we couldn't get around it. So, we headed back. When we came to the stream crossing, Susie once again led the way. Cody made quite a leap over it but Susie rode it out perfectly. Then Allie crossed with Mac. She too took a huge leap that threw Allie off balance a little and Mac bolted down the trail. Allie got her balance and quickly got Mac under control. Then Diana crossed. Harley also made a huge leap. Diana too got off balance. Thankfully Harley stopped when he got to the other side and she slowly slid off him. I decided to lead Louie over once again.

Allie and Cindy on Louie convincing him to cross a ditch

On the way back we took a side trail and had to cross another funky looking ditch. Louie was not happy about it but did do it with a bit of encouragement. And I was very pleased that he did not make a huge leap but rather negotiated it carefully. This piece of trail was quite muddy but Louie plowed through gamely. We went also went down another dirt logging road to see where it went. At the end of this road was a steep slope that was deep in snow. The deep snow also worried Louie a little but he went and was good about it. This turned out to be a dead end and we had to slog but up the hill through the deep snow. A boot came of Diana's horse in the deep snow. I was wishing that I had refined Louie's new fetching skills so he would pick up the boot. Guess I'll have to work on this. No one wanted to get off in the deep snow. So, I had Diana give me her riding crop and I was able to snag the boot with the crop.

Cindy on Louie and Diana on Harley riding in the snow

Cindy on Louie and Diana on Harley rescuing Harley's boot

Allie on MacKenzie, Cindy on Louie and Diana on Harley

Susie on Cody and Cindy on Little Louie

Mac, continued to be a very naughty girl. She bolted off on Allie a number of time. Once when I was in the lead she flew right by me. Allie did a wonderful job of riding MacKenzie and Louie was SOOO good about this and did not attempt to follow her. I was extremely pleased with how Louie handled being with horse that were behaving this way. And it was good to see how he would be in this situation before getting to a competition where you know you will run into this kind of thing. So, I had a great ride though I don't think poor Allie enjoyed herself much. When we got back we loaded Louie and Cody onto the trailer. Louie just looked as happy as a clam and it was so nice to see him so relaxed and content. Diana was having trouble loading Harley. We went down to see if we could help. We really weren't much use so had a quick lunch and then headed home.

Cindy on Little Louie

Diana on Harley, Susie on Cody, MacKenzie and Cindy on Louie

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Tail Gate Birthday Party

Barbara, Susie, Linda, Bonnie and I had decided to ride in Phippsburg today. It was going to be a cold windy day but that was ok, we'd just bundle up. We had decided to throw Susie a surprise tail gate birthday party. Bonnie was going to bring coffee and Linda was making some cupcakes. I just happened to be up very early this morning so decided to make some brownies to bring along. When I first got up I grabbed my watch and put it on. I had not worn it in a while but needed to keep track of time and would be outside a lot this morning. We were doing to meet at 10:00. I got a call from Bonnie around 8:00 am. She was not going to be able to ride as her dog was sick and she had to get her into the vet. So, I would have to make a pot of coffee to take with me. Since I had extra time from being up early, I pulled my trailer up to the garage and cleaned and vacuumed it out. We had my granddaughter this weekend. Fred had to take his motorcycle into town to get a tire put on it. So, I was doing to drop Madison off at my mother's house. She lives right next door so that was no problem. I was inside making coffee, so pleased to have gotten so much done and still have nearly an hour before I had to leave. That was when I looked at the clock in the house (I'd been checking my watch) and realized I'd never changed the time on my watch when the time changed!!!! It was a hour later then I thought!!!!! I needed to leave at 9:00 am and it was 9:05! YIKES! I went into warp speed, finished making the coffee, told Madison to hurry and get ready while I loaded the horse and mule. I threw everything in the truck and headed out. I'd called my mother and had her come down to the end of the driveway to get Madison and Lance. I called Susie to tell her I was going to be a bit late arriving. I felt bad as Susie had time limitations today and had to be headed home by 12:15 pm.

I actually wasn't too late. I arrived at 10:10 am. And Linda was running late also and had not arrived. A friend of hers, Diane, was coming with her. They arrived shortly after I did. We got tacked up and Linda realized she was missing the cinch strap off her saddle. I dug a spare one out of my trailer for her and soon we were on our way. Louie was a bit jazzed up but behaving very well. We rode down to the basin. On the way back Linda and Diane split off to make a longer loop. Barbara and I decided to ride back to the trailers with Susie, have our little party then go out riding again after Susie left. Linda told us to get the cupcakes, cookies and coffee in her truck for Susie.

When we got back to the truck, we tied Louie and Marie to the trailer with a bag of hay. I went to get the food from Linda's truck and it was locked! All we could do was drool on her windshield. I was glad I'd made the brownies and brought coffee also so we had a quick party anyway. After Susie headed out, Barbara and I mounted back up and went out for another ride. We were just going to ride to the end of Devil's Highway and back but decided to do a nice longer loop instead. I led with Louie most of the way and he was wonderful. He hesitated a few times at some things but was easily convinced to keep moving along. He seems to really starting to trust me again and I'm feeling a change in him with each ride. Both physically as he gets stronger, and mentally as he gains confidence. We didn't see Linda or Diane and they were gone by the time we got back to the trailer. It was a really nice ride.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Life with a Mule

My farrier came today to put shoes on Marie and trim Louie. Louie's tough mulie feet are doing fine barefoot at this point. Scott showed up around 9:15 or so. The first thing Louie had to do was show him his neat fetching trick. Scott was quite amused by that. About the third throw, Louie decided to return the toy to Scott. But, when Scott reached out to take it, Louie chickened out, dropped the toy and ran off.

I caught Marie and put her on the cross ties. Louie was such a bug! He was just dying for attention. Just as Scott was getting done with Marie, Louie had a total spazz out spell and started tearing around the paddock at warp speed. He ran for quite a while and it was quite a show. And Scott was especially impressed with the mud Louie spattered on his truck. What a goof ball Louie is. He was a good boy for his trim though.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Didn't get to Ride

Louie giving me his halter

Well, my original plans for today were to go riding in the afternoon with Linda and Bonnie. But, as happens in life sometimes, this was not to be. My truck has been having some problems and needs to be inspected. So I had to take it in today to the repair shop. A call later in the day from the repair shop confirmed that one of my front brakes was shot. $$$ I also had a few other errand to run so by the time I got home, I just didn't have enough time to get a decent amount of sleep before riding. I was already short on sleep the past two days so was just really tired. Bonnie had called me at work to let me know that she was staying home today because her dog was sick and she was going to try to get an appointment with the vet. Bonnie and Linda did manage to hook up for a ride down at Brown's Point in the afternoon. I had a good long sleep. Well, not as long as planned as the repair shop called at about 3:30 pm and woke me up but long enough to at least feel human again.

Louie giving me the shedding blade

I wandered out to play with Louie an Marie about 4:00. Louie was ready to play, Marie was hanging back. I had Louie picking up a brush, shedding blade, hoof pick, screwdriver and his halter. He was happy to pick them all up. I took some pictures of him with all the different items but they weren't great as it's hard to take pictures of a moving subject that is alwasy waking towards you. So, I I got some good nostril shots and cut off his ears in most shots. I think it's totally cool he will pick up his halter. He is not a problem to catch but now I when I want him I can just toss the halter out of the barn and tell him to fetch it. And he will get it and bring it right to me. Caught mule! I worked with him on bowing also. He is doing pretty well. He did a few full bows but he still plunks his forehead right on the ground when he does a full bow.

Louie giving me the screwdriver

Louie giving me the hoof pick

Marie had finally come out of the run-in so I worked with her for a bit. I put all the "stuff" I was using for Louie to fetch in a pile along the side of the paddock. I then went out into the middle of the paddock to work with Marie. Or I TRIED to work with Marie. Evey time I dropped the rope bone in front of her to target, Louie would dart in to grab it so he could give it to me. I finally drove him off. So then he started going to the pile of things I'd had him picking up, getting an item and offering them to me one at a time until he'd moved the whole pile. If I ignored him, he would gently nudge me in the back with his nose to get my attention. He is such a goof ball!!! And too smart for his own good.

Louie giving me the brush

Louie fetching the rope bone

Wednesday, April 13, 2011



I am going to steal a bit of Louie's blog space to write a little something about the most wonderful horse that I have ever had the pleasure to know, own, train and ride. (Louie won't mind, he likes Marie.)

Marie was born April 13th 1991 at the Maine State Society for the Protection of Animals shelter in South Windham, Maine. Her dam, pregnant with Marie, and sire had been taken from a bad situation and Marie was born at the shelter. 19 years ago I found my self in the unusual situation of not having a horse. Someone suggested I go to the shelter to see if there was something there that might be suitable for me. At the time all I was doing was just trail riding and so was looking for something so I could get right back to riding. I went to the shelter with my soon to be husband. We looked at quite a few horses and found one that we thought would be suitable for him. A 15H stocky built Appy mare that was 20+ years old but with lots of life in her still for riding. But, I didn't see anything that was really what I was looking for.

Barbara riding Marie, me on Emma Jane the mule at Popham Beach

Me driving Marie at the TROT sleigh rally

We went into the office to sign paperwork for the Appy mare and the director of the shelter asked me if I'd ever trained any young horses. I told her I had and she asked if I'd be interested in looking at a yearling. I really did not want to wait for a young horse to grow up but thought it wouldn't hurt to look. The director told me to go out to the barn and ask the woman working the the barn to show me Marie. Fred and I went out and told the woman that the director wanted me to look at Marie and the woman just stared at me for a moment, then asked if I was sure she said Marie. She said he was just surprised as the director had not let anyone look at Marie. Anyway, the woman brought me to Marie's stall and there was a lovely 14 month old liver chestnut filly with a flaxen mane and tail and a wide white blaze down her face. She was sweet and friendly and there sure was nothing to not like about her.

Me on Marie in pond in Phippsburg. Mary Ellen on Blackie behind - Hi Ho Silver!

My step-daugher Holly and granddaughter Madison riding Marie

We went back into to office to talk more about me adopting Marie. The director thought Marie would be a great match for me in size as I am a long legged 6' tall. Marie's Dam was 16H and her sire was nearly 17H. Marie at 14 months was 14.1H so would grow to be a nice tall horse I'd look good on. I decided to go ahead and adopt Marie and it was one of the smartest things I've ever done. Unfortunately Marie did not grow to be a nice tall horse. She just reached 15H. But it didn't matter. Anything she has lacked in size she more then made up for in heart.

Marie showing off her new cart. This was not long after nearly losing her to an autoimmune disease triggered from a vaccine. That is why her coat is blotchy.

Marie is not the most talented horse I've had but by far the best. She has done everything I've asked her to do. She's done it willingly and to the best of her ability. I started her trail riding at 4 years old. I've been on a drill team with her. She's been my step-daughter's 4H project. I started competitive trail riding and endurance riding with her when she was 7 years old and she has done every distance I've asked her to do up to a one day 100. And while we only made 90 miles, we quit the ride due to me not her, she vetted out with flying colors at 90 miles and was more then ready to finish the race. I trained her to drive when she was 9 years old and she has done CTR drives, show driving and a sleigh rally. I also taught her to jump and she faithfully took me to many a hunter pace, a arena jumping show and even one fox hunt. She is the kind of steady, dependable horse that you can ride anytime and anywhere. And she is one that you can trust with riders of any skill level. Now that I have a mule and I'm not riding her as much, she is a favorite choice for many to ride. So, here is to Marie! Still going strong and hopefully will be for many years to come.

Doing a "trot out" at the Maine 3 day 80 mile CTR

Training Marie to bow

Barbara riding Marie

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Riding and Training

Today was a nice day with my "kids". Bonnie came over with her mule to ride with me. I went out to the barn before she arrived and just played around with Louie and Marie for a while. I had Marie do some targeting. And we also worked on her being polite about taking treats. Or rather her NOT taking treats but rather letting me slide them into her mouth through her interdental space. She is doing well with this. Marie wasn't targeting very well at first but quickly got into it and did well. Today I had Louie pick up a bunch of different items. Brushes, shedding blade, toys and such. At first he didn't know if he really wanted to pick up all the different items but he too quickly figured out what I wanted and was picking whatever I dropped and handing it to me. I also worked with Louie no bowing. He is getting better and did two complete bows today. Once he plunked his forhead right on the ground between his legs.

When Bonnie arrived I quickly saddled up Marie. Louie got very worried he was going to be left behind. So, when I showed him his halter he shoved his head right in. He loves going out being ponied from Marie. Bonnie was parked out front and had a bit of a confrontation with Dolly when she tried to rush out back where I was with Louie and Marie. She quickly got Dolly under control. We just rode out to the overpass and back which is only about 6 miles. Dolly was very good out on the road today. Louie was a goof ball. He hates how slow Marie walks so he kept nipping her. I had to really get after him to make him quite doing that. Then he would walk with his head resting on Marie's Butt. It was funny but I had to make him stop doing that also. Good thing Marie is such a tolerant horse. It was a nice ride. When we got back and Bonnie separated from me to go to her trailer, Dolly pitched another fit. But once again Bonnie managed to get her under control and made her behave. Today was such a lovely warm sunny day. Tomorrow is going to be a total washout so I'm glad I got out today.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Riding with Bonnie and Barbara

Today was another nice day so Barbara and I decided to ride down at Brown's Point. I had talked with Bonnie last night and she said she was going to ride there so we could meet up and ride together. Susie and Joanie were originally going to join us but they decided to go to Pine Point Beach. They have permits and wanted to make use of them before the time ran out to go. The rest of us don't have permits and it's too late in the season to bother getting one now.

Barbara met me at Brown's Point. Bonnie was not there when I arrived so Barbara called her just to make sure she was coming. She told Barbara she'd decided not to ride. So, we started tacking up and Bonnie called back and asked if we'd mind waiting for her. We told her we didn't mind at all. We'd just ride down the road and come back to meet her. So that is what we did. Louie was a little "worried" when we started out but he was a very good boy. When we got back to our trailer, Bonnie had arrived and just unloaded her mule Dolly. She quickly tacked up and we headed out down the tar road. Bonnie wanted to get in some time on paved road with some traffic. Brown's point isn't real busy but there is always some traffic. Bonnie's previous ride here had not been very good.

Bonnie was in the lead and when we had not gone far when a car came by and Dolly tried to spin. Bonnie caught it quick and got her going back down the road quickly. By the time we got to the causeway, Bonnie was ahead of us just a little. Dolly was reluctant to cross the causeway bridge but she did go. The equines are never thrilled with this bridge. I think it is because it is narrow and over a tidal river so the water never looks the same due to the tidal ebb and flow. There were some people just coming up off the river over the rock embankment on the far side of the bridge and a van parked on the side of the road. Dolly fussed a little bit going past that but not bad. Louie was not concerned about the people and went by quietly. We caught up to Bonnie and I was right behind her when a bicycle came by. Dolly spun around into Louie. Thankfully Louie did not care about the bicycle and only moved enough to get out of Dolly's way. Bonnie quickly got Dolly back around and moving down the road again. After that Dolly seemed to settle right down. She didn't fuss about any thing else we passed. We had more bicycles, cars, truck with trailer and people. On the way back when we had to cross the causeway again, Neither Louie or Dolly wanted to lead across. Dolly really got stubborn about it this time. I made Louie go. He wasn't happy but he did it. Good Boy!! Just before we got back to the trailers two motorcycles came along towards us. Bonnie was quite worried about how Dolly would react to them. So, we put good old Marie out front, Bonnie in the middle and I brought up the rear. Both motorcycle zipped by us and neither mule so much as wiggled an ear at them. Bonnie was SO happy and pleased with Dolly as all in all she really was a good girl and Bonnie was able to easily handle what fussing she did do. I was proud of them both. And once again very pleased with Louie. It was a nice ride.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Completion of the MulesOnly Trainers Challenge and a Good Ride

Louie fetching rope bone

Today was the my last day of the MulesOnly Trainers Challenge. Officially the last day was the 10th but I will be busy tomorrow so took my video today. Barbara was coming over to ride so I had help taking video. While waiting for Barbara to arrive, I played fetch with both Marie and Louie together for just a short time to see what their moods were. Louie was eager to play to day and so was Marie. I didn't want to do go much though before Barbara showed up as I didn't want them to get bored. I did take one video myself just in case they decided not to play when Barbara arrived. You just never know when working with animals. So, I put Marie's easy boots on her to get ready for our ride. When Barbara arrived and came into the paddock, Louie immediately went to her and started loving all over her. Now Louie has not seen Barbara many times and he is naturally friendly but he was acting like he'd just found a long lost friend. Barbara seems to have a special way with the mule. All my mules have loved her. Even my first mule Emma Jane was was VERY picky about who she liked and didn't like and had strong opinions about it. I gave Barbara my camera and she got in position to take the video. She started filming and I tossed the toy for Louie. He went right after it, picked it up and brought it right to........ BARBARA!!!!! We tried a few more times but Louie would not bring the toy to me, only to Barbara! While I was just a tad insulted it was the funniest thing. So, we decided to just go with it and I had Barbara play fetch with Louie while I took the video. Louie was very happy with this situation.

Barbara tossing toy for Louie

Marie and Louie with toy

After we were done videoing, we got Marie and Louie tacked up to ride. I bought a new bit for Louie. It's a Myler flat shank with an MB36 mouthpiece. I'm just not quite satisfied with the bit I've been using on Louie. I'm was not excited about spending so much money on a bit but I truly do like the look of this bit. And I have to say that Louie really did go much better. He is far softer and more responsive with this bit. Anyway, because of the snow and ice we still have, we can't ride in the woods. So, we just headed down the road. We headed out to the Alpaca farm. I really didn't want to do an "up and back" ride. But the only way to do a loop was to ride a lot of busy road and we'd have to go over two highway overpasses. I don't think I've ridden Louie over the overpasses (though I wont swear to that....)and I have not ridden Louie on a truly busy road. But, he has not yet show any problems with the traffic we have come across so I decided to go ahead and ride the loop and see how it went. Louie was wonderful. He was not totally relaxed but he didn't do a single wrong thing. He had not issues with the traffic, bicycles, motorcycles and pedestrians. He was however keeping a very close eye on the ditches and woods for scary mule eating rocks and trees. He was fine with the overpasses but he did NOT like the metal expansion strips on each side of them. Especially the first one we went over as it's wide and shaped like TEETH! Because there was traffic when we got there, I didn't want to get into a "fight" over crossing it and hold everyone up so I just hopped off him and led him over. He came with me willingly when led though I assure you his feet did not touch them. I had Barbara lead for most of our time out on the busy road but in the end let Louie go in front. It makes Louie crazy to follow Marie because she is so slow. Anyway, I was super pleased with how Louie did today!

Louie fetching for me. I'm taking the video before Barbara arrived

Louie giving the toy to Barbara

Louie fetching for Barbara

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Good Training Day

I worked with both Marie and Louie together today.I usually separate them to work but I thought it might spark Louie's interest to see Marie playing after his lack of interest yesterday. It turns out it wasn't lack of interest yesterday, Louie has simply decided he just does not want to pick up the tennis ball bowling pin toy. When I got out the rope bone, he was right back to his old self eager to play. Marie once again did WONDERFUL. She even nipped the toy once. She is sending and targeting GREAT! I never thought I'd see the day with her! She might never actually fetch but at this point I would no longer count that out. It's just taking more time with her. Marie is so eager to play now that she's figuring out the rules and knows what to do. And at least I did groom them both before taking video today though it's that time of year you really can't get them looking clean. I took yesterday's video of a very dirty mule.

Marie "sending" and targeting with a little nibble on the target

Louie being asked to fetch and refusing (he does not like this toy)but Marie more then happy to target

Louie doing 2 fetches in a row

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Didn't want to play

I did take some video today which I will post later. Louie was not very interested in playing today. I'm not sure why. He came right out like he was interested but after a few throws just would not even try. So, I worked with Marie for a while. She is doing so well now. She is starting to "send" after the toy. She hasn't attempted to pick it up but is really playing with it and pushing it all around. I'm very proud of my old girl.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Squeaky toy has no Squeak.....

Ah, well wouldn't you know but I go out to the barn this morning and get the squeaky toy and ...... It won't squeak! I can't imagine what happened to the squeakers in it overnight but there was nothing but a hissing air sound. ???? I was so disappointed!!!! Louie was really in the mood to play. I tossed the toy and he eagerly went after it. He grabbed it, gave it a good squeeze between his teeth, it made the hissing air noise and he dropped that toy like it was a hot coal!! He jumped back a little way and gave that toy the totally suspicious mule look. You know the one when they tilt their head a bit sideways and one ear is hard forward (Makeing sure the path straight ahead is clear if the need arises to get out of Dodge)and one ear is flat sideways towards the suspicious object forming a perfect L on their head. So, desensitization to hissing air sounds ensued. After a while he finally decided he would pick up the toy again. But it was so funny watching him trying to figure out how to pick it up in a way that would not make the sound. He was tying to carefully pick it up from each end, then just barely taking the smallest pinch between his teeth that he could and still be able to hold onto it. He did fetch for me but his enthusiasm was a bit dampened by his suspicion of the hissing air sound of the toy.

I then worked with Marie. Gads but she is not easy to work with. Though, truthfully she is likely the better teacher as she keeps me thinking on ways to inspire her to try and understand what I am asking. This morning was not a good session, or so I thought at the time. Our later session would dispel my discouragement. So far Marie would only target the toy if it was dropped directly in front of her so she doesn't have to move her feet to reach it. And if she doesn't actually touch the toy and I request that she try again before giving her a treat she just stands and stares at me and has absolutely refused to try again and will eventually just walk away. I tried to wait her out this morning. We were in a confined ares so she could not just walk away. But, she wore me down finally as she simply would not try again unless I picked up the toy and we just started all over again. THEN, this afternoon Marie did great! She made her first step of progress in a long time. She was targeting great and going back for another try perfectly. She was touching and even playing with the toy a little, enough so she was rolling it and then would have to take a few steps to touch it the next time. I was proud of my old girl this afternoon.

It was raining hard this afternoon so I just worked with Louie in the barn. He did very well. The first few times he picked up the toy he tried to do it carefully to avoid causing the hissing air noise but then he gave up and quite worrying about it. We only had 20' of space to work in but I'd throw the toy to one end of the space and walk to the other end and he was fetching and bringing the toy to me very well. We may get a good video in 5 days after all!!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Only 5 Days Left.....

Only 5 more days until we submit our videos for the 2011 MulesOnly Trainer's Challenge. Yikes! I bought yet another toy for Louie. He's having a hard time holding onto the tennis ball bone shaped one. But, he seems to prefer the toys covered with the tennis ball material. I went to the tack shop to buy Louie a new bit and there found a toy I thought he might be able to pick up easily. It is tennis ball material but shaped a bit like a bowling pin. And with a squeaker. When I got back from the store, I went out to see what he thought of it. Marie was all over me wanting to touch whatever I had. She doesn't care what it is as long as touching it earns her a treat. Louie had to sniff it over pretty hard but then decided he would pick it up. And it was easy for him to grip it. Though one time that I tossed it in front of him it started rolling down the hill and that spooked him a bit. So, I now have just 5 days to get him back to doing full fetches with the new toys.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Back to Almost a Full Fetch

Louie did well today. He is back to nearly doing a full fetch. Good Mule!!

Louie and Lance playing.

April Fools

Well, it was no joke, we got a boat load of snow. Over a foot of it and very wet and heavy snow at that. It collapsed the roof to my chicken run and brought down some branches. When I waded out through the snow to feed this morning and got to the barn, I found the rubber toy still sitting on some hay that Louie didn't touch. I played with both Marie and Louie for just a short time. Marie doesn't care about the new toys. She happily will target anything I toss on the floor in front of her. But, she still will only target and only if I throw it right in front of her. She won't move to target yet. Louie still wouldn't even look at the rubber toy. And was less then enthusiastic about the others. Guess I should have worked on targeting multiple objects right from the start. This has caused quite a set back in the training. But, that's OK, I think he'll get back on board with it. And he did pickup both of the other toys. He has a hard time holding on to the tennis ball bone as he tries to just pick up by the end so just gets a little pinch of it in his teeth.

Louie and my dog Lance love to play this game of chase. Lance runs through the front paddock to the shelter then turns around and runs back across the paddock and out under the gate. Louie chases him back and forth. They both love doing this. When they both get tired, Lance will stand right under Louie while they both catch their breath and when Lance is ready, he will run again and the play resumes. It is so funny to watch though I worry that Louie might hurt Lance accidentally. So, I took some video of them playing this morning.

I decided to let my dogs have the rubber toy since Louie doesn't like it. I took it out of the barn and called the dogs over and threw it to them. They both charged after it, got to it, stopped and sniffed it.....and walked away without touching it. Hummmmmmmmmm, That's bad if even the dogs don't want it.

Friday, April 1, 2011

New Toys

Well, I had to go to the feed store today so I picked up some new toys for Louie. They did not have one like I had been using unfortunately. I asked the store owner what dog toy he recommended for mule fetching. Thankfully he's known me a long time so is already clued in that I'm a bit "off". I couldn't decide so picked up three toys. A rope bone, a bone shaped toy covered in tennis ball material, and a rubber "hot dog" (as in dachshunds) toy. This one would be easiest for him to pick up but I didn't know what he would think of the rubber.

We had a big snow storm coming so when I got home I had a lot of chores to do before I could play. When I was done with chores I headed right out to the barn with the new toys. I started with the rubber one. Before presenting it to Louie, I rolled it in the dirt, then washed it and then rolled it around in the grain bit hoping to dull down any weird smell it might have. I tossed it down in front of Louie and he sniffed it, took one tentative bit on it to pick it up, spit it right back out and would have nothing further to do with it. Not even for the best treat in the world was he going to touch that thing. The rope bone had better results. But, he was suspicious now and not pleased with this change in toys. I then got out the Tennis ball bone. He was sort of interested in this one until he picked it up and it squeaked. It was his first experience with a squeaky toy and he dropped it instantly and vacated the area like the world was coming to an end.

So, I spent about 30 minutes desensitizing him to the sound of the squeaker. Louie did get over it and then seemed to kind of like it. And if nothing else it was a good lesson in trusting me. He would not do a full fetch with any of the toys but would pick the two up if dropped in front of him. When I fed Louie that evening, I dropped the rubber toy right in the middle of his hay. When I left the barn he was carefully pawing the hay away from the toy before eating it.