Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Yes, Fetch Training Again..... and an Anniversary

Today marks a significant anniversary for Louie and me. It was a little over a year ago that Louie slipped on ice and sustained a soft tissue injury to his hip. It was exactly one year ago on this day that it was suggested to me by a vet that it would not be unreasonable to put Louie down due to what I am now sure was a misdiagnosis of Louie's injury. So, I am very thankful that not only is Louie still here with me today, he is now 100% sound and healthy and I'm actually making plans for our first CTR. And, I still have my sweet silly boy to teach silly tricks to.

Today's fetch training went very well. Louie picked up the toy 100% of the time. 99% of the time I was able to take the toy from him before he dropped it. And I think I am seeing a glimmer from him that he is starting to realize I want him to give the toy to me. Only a glimmer but I can see the wheels turning. Just out of curiosity I tossed down one of my gloves to see what he would do. He did target it but would make no attempt to grab it or pick it up. So, I'll stick with our designated toy until he has this trick down solid with that.

And even better (ok, nothing is better then Louie but...) I truly think a tiny, tiny light bulb went off in my mares rather unimaginative brain. She really did target the toy today. She minded her manners and even targeted the toy several times when I dropped it on the ground. I don't want to get my hopes up but maybe there is hope for her...... maybe.......

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