Monday, March 28, 2011

Another Ride at the Beach and Training

Barbara had the day off from work today and despite Marie being a bit broncey (is that a word...) on Saturday, was willing to ride her again and we decided to go to the beach. It was yet another cold and windy day being barely 40 degrees but what can you do but just bundle up. Susie and Linda were riding today also but they were going to Pine Point beach. Neither Barbara or I have permits to ride there and I don't want to bother getting one with only a short time left that we can ride the beaches. So, Barbara and I met at Popham. We had a lovely ride. Some parts of the beach were protected from the wind by the sand dunes and those sections were lovely. The windy areas were.....exhilarating. AND my horse was her good old wonderful self today. Louie was a bit anxious the whole ride but behaved. We only had one booger. I foolishly mistook a very hungry mule trap for a common lobster trap. Louie quite vigorously appraised me of my mistake and took it upon himself to protect us both by quickly vacating the area. He did a pretty good about face but to his credit stopped right away when I got my reins gathered and asked him to whoa. He kind of caught me off guard as he walked right up beside it before he reacted. Possibly he was also fooled at first into thinking it was a common lobster trap and only at the last minute saw through it's clever disguise.......silly boy. We did some nice long trots and a little bit of cantering. We rode for about 2 hrs. and had a wonderful time.

When I got home, I spent a few minutes with Louie working on our fetch training. Today I not only asked him to put the toy in my hand, but I threw it further away and only walked part way with him. So, he had to actually turn to put the toy in my hand. And he did most of the time. GOOD MULE!! Marie continues to happily target the toy when dropped in front of her.

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