Wednesday, March 16, 2011

3rd Lesson Training to Fetch

Today it was cold and rainy out. I was not going to go out and work with Marie and Louie today but then figured I could just move things into the barn. I'd just have to be more careful that everyone minded their manners.

Marie and Louie were already in the barn when I went out. Louie was very happy to see me get out the toy. Marie was clueless. I tried working with Marie at first. She just does not get it. Not that she has determined that the hand holding the toy does not hold a treat she won't even glance at it. I finally gave up knowing I was going to have to come up with a new plan to motivate her and get her to understand what I was asking. All the time I'm working with Marie, Louie is pacing back and forth with for all the work looking like a eager kid in a classroom with his hand up saying, "pick me, pick me, I know the answer"!

So, I moved on to Louie. He is completely solid in understanding that touching the toy gains him the treat. His head was bobbing up and down like a bobble head doll in a dashboard over a rough road. He'd hardly give me a change to pick up the toy to toss it anywhere. He pushes and lips the toy nearly everytime. And today he actually grabbed it and picked it up twice though he dropped it right away. For these efforts he got special treats. I've been using carrot pieces as rewards. But for special rewards I use Peppermint wafers.

So, now I think it might be time to start withholding treats to encourage him to work harder at getting them. That hopefully being picking up the toy more consistantly. For Marie, I may just try touching the toy to her and treating to see if any lightbulb goes off in her head.

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