Thursday, March 31, 2011

Video of full fetch

I was so excited this morning!! I decided I was going to see if I could get Louie to do a full fetch. The toy I am using is about to fall apart and I'm not sure how Louie will react to a new one. I have not had him target any other objects. So, this morning at feeding time, I got the toy and stood in the run-in and tossed it 20' or so out of the shelter. Louie went right out, picked it up and brought it back to me!!! WooooHooooo! A full fetch! I tossed it out a few more times and he retrieved it each time.

So, this afternoon I decided I'd better get a video of this before presenting a new toy to Louie. No one was around to help me video so I'd just had to do the best I could alone. And as you see in the videos I didn't do great unless you wanted to look at Louie's legs. Anyway, Louie was a bit distracted this afternoon but still did a few good fetches for me. By the time we were done, the toy was pretty much in pieces. So, tomorrow I'll buy some new toys and see what Louie thinks. Hopefully I can find one just like the one I'm using.

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