Monday, March 7, 2011

Moving home, again

I decided to try once again to get my trailer free so I could bring Louie home. When I got to the barn, Wendy was there and I told her I my trailer was frozen in. She gave me some rock salt to put around the tires. I did that and we waited a while. But, I still could not budge the trailer. Wendy came down with a shovel full of sand. She put sand around the tires. She told me to give it a try again. As I was trying she went to put more sand under a front tire and got too close with the shovel and the tires caught the shovel and sucked it right under it. We then could not get the shovel out from under the tire. I had to unhitch the trailer to move the truck enough to get the shovel. Wendy said she would go got her truck and pull me and with the trailer out. A few minutes later she came back and said she could not find her tow chain. After a few calls, she found out who had borrowed it and went to get it. While I was waiting for her to get back, I cleaned some stalls. When Wendy got back, we hitched her truck to my truck. Even then it took quite a bit to get me pulled out just because of all the ice making it hard for the truck to get any traction. I was expecting my trailer to come out minus the axels and tires. But, we finally got the trailer free. I pulled the truck and trailer up behind the arena. It was the only spot with bare ground showing. Everywhere else was ice and I needed a safe place to load Louie. After parking the trailer, I helped Wendy finish cleaning stalls.

When we were done with the stalls, I got most of my tack out of the tack room and put it in my trailer. I caught Louie and brought him up to the barn. I tacked him thinking I might ride one last time before taking him home. I was feeling lazy and ended up only doing some ground work with him. He was real good about loading into the trailer. He stopped briefly to take a quick sniff then hopped right in. He then went straight to pawing like he always does but I didn't care since he loaded so well. When I got him home, he seemed very excited to be there. And Marie was excited to see him as she's been alone. Louie checked out every part of the barn and paddock he could get to then did what all good mules do and took a good roll. It's good to have Louie home.

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