Anyway, he fussed and pawed and made quite a few partial attempts and seemed to be thinking awful hard about the whole thing. I was a bit mystified at all the fussing and thinking. I know he understands what I'm asking as he's done it quite a few times. Suddenly, he goes down on one knee, hesitates, not even looking at me for a treat and then proceeds to lay completely down!!!! He is then laying down and looking up at me just a pleased as can be with himself! He completely caught me off guard! I wasn't sure what to do. Laying down is something I want to teach him but it's not what I asked him to do. BUT, I sure didn't want him to think he did something wrong by laying down. ???????? So, for lack of any better idea on the spur of the moment, I praised the heck out of him, gave him a good scratching and gave him a treat.
So, now I guess I have to get him to differentiate between bowing and laying down and figure out appropriate cues working from what I am already using. ........ :-) I just hate it when my mule is one step ahead of me! LOLOL. It make me wonder who is training who.......though I have a good guess ........LOLOL.

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