Thursday, April 22, 2010

Standing on his head

Louie is so funny to work with. A couple of friends were over the other day so I thought I would show them how Louie is doing with is "bow" training. Louie is definitely getting it. I don't ususaly have to hold his leg anymore, Though I often do have to direct it. Sometimes he wants to put it forward rather then back. But once it is back, he then will bow his head under him and plunk it right down on the ground with an audible thump! And then just stay there for a minute resting on his head! It's the funniest thing. I am wondering if he is doing that to stabilize himself because his hind quarters aren't that strong yet? Hummmmmmm. Or maybe he just doesn't care about his head on the ground and thinks that is what I want him to do. Now my horse, on the other hand, is still not all that intrested in this whole bowing thing. And she will NOT be putting her head on the ground, thank you.

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