Sunday, July 29, 2018

The Big Team, Again, and Again, and Again......

It was another good day so I didn't see any reason to end my string of riding. I drove over to the barn wondering how Lily was going to feel about a 3rd day of riding. When I got to the barn, Lily was out in a corner of the pasture. I got her halter and walked stepped through the barn door to the pasture, called to her and held out her halter. She walked right up to me and put her head into the halter. I took that as a sign that she was ready for another adventure.

I have her a thorough grooming which she loves but only managed to get her to a shade of pale yellow. She was quiet about being saddled up and stood still for mounting like a good girl. My plan was to just do a short ride of 6 or 7 miles out to Double M Campground for lunch and back. Lily left the barn happily with no hesitation. She seems to actually enjoy our solo rides which is wonderful. We headed out the north trail from the barn and rode up to Black's Cabin and out to Black Ridge Rd. and took trail 184 all the way to Double M. I spotted a young buck just off the trail and stopped to watch him. I didn't think he'd stand there long enough or though the sounds of me getting my phone out of my saddle bag to take a picture. But, he did and I managed to get a photo. When I rode into camp, Sally and Josh were there with the big team and wagon and Chi Chi tied on back. I stopped and chatted with them for a moment, they had seen a cougar on Black Ridge Rd. near the ridge the previous night. I then rode down to the restaurant, tied Lily to the rail and had lunch. Lily stood quietly though she was the only equine at the rail.

When I finished lunch and rode back up through camp, Sally and Josh with the big team were still there. I considered asking to go along with them but decided that since Lily was being so good I would just continue on my way. As a matter of fact, she was being so good I didn't want to head home yet so I decided to follow the wagon trail out to Black Ridge and though maybe I'd ride home by way of Initial Tree. A lot of work as been don on the wagon trail and it's real nice now..... for speed..... Lily and I trucked right along the whole length of the trail. Mostly at a good steady trot but we got in a few nice canters also. Once I got out to Black Ridge, I changed my mind again as I'd spent the last two days riding the trails on the west side of Black Ridge Rd. So, I took the trail that starts along the Ridge where the bald rock is.Trail 103 to 183 that connected me back into 184 going back to Double M. Trail 103 runs very close to the wagon trail in a couple spots and I saw Josh, Sally and the team going the other way heading for Black Ridge Rd. We waved and laughed out running into each other again. A lot of 183 and 184 going back to Double M is real nice and Lily and I trotted most of this. We rode by the end of camp and stayed on 184 for a while still trotting right alone. I was just wondering where the turn off was for the shorter trail to Black Ridge when we came to a side trail and Lily told me it was that one. I trusted her on this one and she was, of course, right. The only down side to this trail for Lily is it is a long steep climb out of the creek up to Black Ridge but it was the trail she chose. We trotted most of the Black's Cabin access road and then cruised back to the barn nice and easy to let Lily cool down. When we got back to the barn, there was Sally and Josh with the big team in the driveway. Our 4th meeting of the day. We did 14.16 miles today and it was an absolutely fabulous ride. Lily was as steady as a rock the whole time and willing to go any direction and speed I wanted. She is turning into one fine riding partner that is for sure.

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