Saturday, January 25, 2014

A Better Day

Today was a much needed relaxing day. I was able to sleep in late, and went out to breakfast with my husband. It was finally warm enough today to be outside. So, I spend the day outside catching up and outside barn chores. I picked out all the paddocks which was quite a chores as I've been putting that off with all the very cold weather we've been having. In all the time I was out there, Marie never took her face out of her hay. Buckshot however, was looking for something to do. He'd eat, then wander around trying to follow me, roll, go back to eating, roll again, walk around the paddock, eat a little more. So, when I was done picking out the paddock, I decided to play around with him.

When I came into his stall with his halter is initial reaction was "NO" and he turned away from me. I just waited quietly. After a minute, he turned his head and looked at me. I just stood waiting. He watched me a moment, then turned around and came to me. I led him out to my trailer to groom and saddle him. He was quiet until I got his saddle. He wiggled around a bit then and I just waited until he stood still and tacked him up. Not sure why he was having any anxious feelings about being tacked up so I'll have to pay close attention to him. I led him back to the barn and bridled him and grabbed the mounting block and went out into the paddock. He stood quietly while I mounted and didn't move until I asked him to.

What I want to work on with him is seeing how light I can make my cues to get him to respond to me. One of the many things I've learned from the mules I've had is when you are met with any resistance, you often get better results if you lighten your cues rather than increasing them. Not always, but more often than not. And that was just how it was with Buckshot today. I warmed him up a little than asked for a whoa with just body and voice. He was fine with this. Then I asked for him to back. He was a little unsure of my cues but as soon as he started to brace at all, I'd lighten up and go slower. He would then relax and think and he started to get what I was asking. Then I worked on having him yield his hindquarter. The lighter my cue, the quicker he responded. He didn't always get it right, but he tried every time. I enjoyed working with him and he seemed to enjoy having something to do. He's such a nice mule.

When I was done riding, I cross tied him and asked for all 4 of his feet. I've been working on getting him to pick up his feet on his own, again, with just light cues. Today he did great. He actually picked both of his back feet off the ground......well, not at the same time.... hahahaha. And he unweighted both front feet and let me easily pick them up. He earned some treats today which he very much enjoyed. After I turned him out, I put Marie on the cross ties and gave her a very thorough grooming which she seemed to greatly enjoy.

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