Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Tonight when I went outside there was a crispness to the air. The frost on the lawn in the beam of my lamp looked like a million diamonds had been scattered across the landscape. The half moon was low in the sky hiding yet behind the trees. It seemed to be reluctant to cast it's light as if trying to hide the jewels on the ground. My breath formed a misty wall of fog that embraced my head making it hard to see. So, for a moment I held my breath and it seemed to fit with the stillness of the night.

I looked towards the pasture and there in my light was caught three pairs of shining eyes. Their breath also was coalescing into a band around their bodies like smoke. As if they were three guardian dragons protecting their keep. And it seemed that I must be the master of that keep as when I came among them, they quietly parted to let me though. Each giving me a quick gentle touch with their soft muzzles as if to affirm their allegiance to me.

The lights of the barn partially dispelled the magic feeling of the night. I stood, listened and took a deep breath. The sounds of horses and mules contentedly chewing and the familiar smell of their equine bodies has a magic all of it's own. Something to be savored every time I am with them. I am blessed to have these creatures in my care.