Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Working on Flexing

I was lazy today and slept late. So, I didn't get to the barn until 5:00 pm. Too late for me to ride. When I brought the equines in tonight, I was careful not to offend Louie. Ellie Mae was first to the gate again. Louie wanted to come up to me to but Ellie would not allow it. She made an attempt to kick at Louie to keep him away and I did correct her for this. No fighting allowed when I'm with them! So, out of respect to Louie, I kept my attentions to Ellie Mae just to what was necessary, then, once I had her up in the barn and in her stall, I made a fuss over her and loved on her where Louie could not see me. HA!  Louie was much happier that he had not seen me make a fuss over her and was eager to be with me tonight.

Though I didn't have time to ride this evening, I figured I could spend a few minutes working on flexing with Louie. I decided I could do this right in his stall. He was happy for the company. I put his bridle on and attached the reins to the snaffle rings on his bit. He did VERY well flexing tonight. In both directions. He's been really stiff flexing to the right but today he easily brought his head right around to his side. A few times he stiffened up tying to decided just what I wanted but then did great. Best flexing he's done so far. GOOD MULE!

MaryJo and I discussed sharing chores at the barn to make things easier for both of us. I can take a couple mornings for her when I am there already in trade for her bringing mine and Tracy's critters in on a couple evenings. That will make it easier for MaryJo to get to work in the morning on time and save me a few trips a week.

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