Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas day visit to the boarding barn

We had a lovely day today. Nice weather. Sunny and just around the freezing mark. My family did the usual of going to each one of our houses to open gifts. My parents, brothers and I all live on 50 acres of property we bought and split between us. So, we are all withing walking distance of each other. We actually skipped my house as I did not put up a tree. Fred and I took our gifts to my parents home and we started there with one of my dads delicious breakfasts then the opening of gifts. We then went to Dennis and Barbara's and ended as usual at Kevin and Angie's where we had a pot luck dinner.

I fed Marie at about 4:30 PM. She is missing the mules but was quiet today. She balled yesterday every time she saw someone. Then I decided to go over to the barn to see how Louie was doing. It was dark by the time I got over there. The horses/mules stay out at night unless the weather is bad. It was nice tonight so they were all out. I went out and got Louie. He was a bit excited when I led him up to the barn and was forgetting his manners. He was getting ahead of me and pulling a bit. I had to remind him that this was not acceptable.

No one else was using the arena so I just turned Louie loose to let him run. And run he did. He ran, bucked and rolled. Once he seemed settled down, I lounged him for a bit. He was pretty good. He was quite distracted but trying. The barn owners mother came into the arena with her horse to lounge him. He was quite freaked out by the presence of a mule in the arena. He would not lounge but rather snorted and reared and tried to stay as far from Louie as possible. Wendy's mom gave up and said that tomorrow she was going to put her horse in the paddock next to Louie so he could get used to the sight of him. She was very nice though. Not at all upset that I was there with my mule, just a bit disgusted with her horse being silly about it. When she took her horse out of the arena, Louie wanted to go with him. I made him work just a little bit longer until he was paying attention to me again. That only took a few minutes.

I then took Louie back to the paddock. Wendy's mom (I think her name is Tina but can't remember for sure.....old age....)was outside and we chatted for a while. She is such a nice lady. She showed me were all the lights were for inside and outside and the fence switch for the electric fencing. I then headed home glad that Louie seemed to be doing just fine.

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