It was a much nicer day out today. Cooler, breezy and no humidity. So, there was no excuse to not get out and work with Louie again. I was kind of curious how he'd react today. Sometimes you don't know how a training session really went until you see their reaction at the next one.
When I went out, Louie came down out of the field to greet me. When I showed him the halter, he never offered to leave. I took this as a good sign. He was very soft and relaxed today. I was so pleased. He led softly out of the paddock to the trailer. Stood very quiet being tacked and came back into the paddock leading just as softly.
I got out my sack of cans again. He jumped when I first threw them out of the tack room. So, we worked on tossing it all around him. Beside him, in front of him, in back and between his legs and then leading him over them. He wasn't thrilled about it but was very, very good. He never tried to leave me. I also showed him my horse hair fly swatter and swished that all around him. He didn't mind that. Then I led him to the fence, climbed on so I'd be higher them him. I wanted to make some sounds from up that high to simulate me being in the saddle. He didn't like that and wouldn't come up next to the fence. I am going to need a second person for that. He didn't pull away from me though. He just swung around so he was facing me.
I got down and decided to just work on a lounge line and work on verbal commands. We just worked on walk, trot, whoa and turn. He did very nicely.
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