Wednesday, June 17, 2015

First Home Ride on Nell

Cierra and I decided to go riding this morning. It would be my first ride on Nell at home. She came right to me and put her head into the halter. And she stood well on the cross tied to be saddled. We mounted up out by my horse trailer and it took a few tried to get her to stand quietly at the mounting block but it didn't take long. When we headed out, Nell was really a bit jazzed up. She wasn't doing anything wrong but she felt like a loaded spring. I had Cierra take the lead to see if that settled Nell a bit. As we were approaching my brothers house, we could hear large equipment running. We could have taken the back trail around but I wanted to see how Nell handled whatever it was going on at my brothers place. As we got closer, I could see that trees were being cut and a big chipper was running. And the chipper was parked by the access road with the truck across the road. I decided to hop off and lead Nell by it all. The tree company ended up having to back up the truck and chipper for us to get by. And there was a second vehicle parked on the access road that we had to squeeze by. It was a lot of noise and confusion but Nell didn't make any fuss at all about going by any of it and didn't really seem too concerned. Tinkerbell was, of course, her usual good self.

Once by, I mounted back up. Nell was still a little Jazzed up but very quickly settled down and relaxed. By the time we were at the bottom of the big hill and crossed the stream to start back up the other side, Nell was relaxed enough that I had Cierra lead up the hill at a nice trot. Nell followed along very nicely not worried at all when Cierra got ahead of me a bit. We rode the trail that comes out below the alpaca farm. Tinkerbell did not want to lead the way though the stream crossing near the road. It does have a steep drop into the stream and a steep climb out but the footing is all solid and very good so a safe place. And Tink has done it many times but I usually lead the way on Marie. Nell didn't look worried about it but Cierra wanted to get Tink to go first and with a bit of work, she was able to get her to go. Nell went across with no hesitation.

Once out on the road, Nell took the lead. She has a faster walk than Tink. She did do a small booger when two fairly noisy trucks passed us coming straight towards us. It was a drizzly morning and both trucks had their headlights on. I think this may be what bothered her. But, she only danced a few steps to the side and stopped immediately when I asked her to, then she continued on calmly. Once we were headed home, Tink too the lead again. She found her fast walk for the way home, silly girl. When we got back to my brothers house, I planned to ride Nell by this time. Again they had to move the truck for us to get by. They stopped chipping but the chipper was idling as was a lift truck that we had to pass closely. Nell was fine until we got right up beside them and she started to tense and bunch up. She didn't do anything else but I chickened out and turned her around and dismounted. She did stop and turn immediately and stood to let me dismount. I then led her up to the machines to look over and she was cautious but also willing and curious. I am sure I could have ridden her all the way by without trouble but with age, comes caution. I mounted up again after we got by and we finished our ride. Nell was a super good girl. She seems to have a great head on her shoulders. She is super green and there's a lot she does not know yet but I think it will be easy with her. So far I like everything about this girl.... but her color. But, you don't ride color.

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