Thursday, April 11, 2013

Lorax Ride and the Cattle Pound

Yet another wonderful ride on Luke mule. It was a very nice day today. Cool, but sunny.  There is a nasty storm forecasted for Friday so my friend Linda and I decided we'd better make the most of today. When I finished work this morning at Upper Pond Stable, I hurried home, fed Luke and Marie then made a quick sandwich and coffee for myself. I was picking up Linda today and as usual, Luke was completely covered in mud so I vacuumed him off quickly. The ShopVac is definitely my favorite grooming tool these days! I loaded up Luke and headed over to pick up Linda and Gus. 

Linda was ready to go when I arrived and we loaded Linda's tack and Gus into the trailer. We were just getting ready to pull out when there was some heavy thumping around in the trailer. We quickly jumped out to see what was going on. It was nothing serious. Gus and gotten his head over the divider and was bugging Luke who was stomping around in protest. So, we tied Gus and that settled that. 

We didn't know if the road into Lorax would be firm enough to drive in with the trailer so we parked on the Warren Rd. Linda tried out my treeless saddle today just for the heck of it. There was some water on the trail going into the Lorax property but it wasn't muddy and was overall quite good going. We stopped once to make a quick stirrup adjustment to my saddle for Linda and then were onto the Lorax trails. They were in excellent shape. Luke took the lead again today. We got in some nice long trotting. We rode to the bottom of our favorite hill that we like to gallop up. We turned around and faced up the hill. I took the lead, let loose on the reins, told Luke to let 'er rip......... And Luke took off at an exhilarating, adrenaline pumping ........... western pleasure lope......... Woooohoooo! I must say it wasn't the fastest trip up the hill I've made but it was fun nonetheless. 

When we got back to the trailer, we decided we had a bit more time to ride so we headed down the Warren Rd and then took a left down a camp road. It was quite a steep hill going down towards the lake. We didn't go all the way down as Linda had to be home by 3:30 pm. On the way back up the camp road, a car coming down the road stopped to admire our equines. It was an older gentleman who told us he used to own horses and missed having them. When we got back to the trailer and were untacking Luke and Gus, a woman can by with a young girl in a stroller. It trued out to be someone that Linda knew and they chatted for a while. The little girl had seen us ride by her house and had wanted to come out and see Luke and Gus. 

I got Linda back home just in time. It was, as usual, a great ride. 

Lorax trails as seen through Luke's ears

A beaver dam on each side of the pond

Linda on Gus coming through the water

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