Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Finally got out for a Ride

I finally got a chance to ride Louie today. And it was a very nice ride I have to say. It is a lovely day, sunny and in the high 40's low 50's with just a light breeze. I could tell Louie was in a fairly relaxed frame of mind this morning so it was a good day for it. I have not ridden him since I've had him back home. He saw me coming with the halter and came right over and stuck his head right in. He was quiet and very good while I groomed and tacked him up. I led him on foot away from home out through the trails. He was happy and eager to go. He was a little goofy being led but not rude. No pulling at all, just gawking around. He stopped and snorted a few times at things in the woods that I could not see or hear but not nervously, more in curiosity. About 1/2 mile out from home I mounted up. He stood quietly and walked off nicely. He was not as relaxed with me riding but not real nervous either.

 Then...... it happened...... the spook. Yep. It was a legitimate one as a couple partridges flew up right in front of us. problem. Louie did a 180 and headed in the direction of home. I just sat tight and then just picked up the right rein and did a one rein stop and he came right around very easily. So, we didn't go more than a few feet down the trail and he didn't get going any faster really the a jiggy quick walk. Strangely enough, this actually relaxed me. Not so much Louie though but for sure me as it was a relief to see how easy he was to stop and how well he listened to me. He didn't want to go by the spot where the birds flew up but it didn't take much to convince him to go. We had to go through some big puddles and water spots and once again, though he is nervous about this kind of stuff, he was extremely good about it. He never once refused to go, he just went very slow and very cautiously. A couple times when he got a bit nervous, I'd stop him. let him stand for a moment, then dismount and walk for a bit. Then mount back and ride some more. We only did about 4 miles and I walked about 1 1/2 of that but that's ok. I rode, he got out and we both got some exercise. 

He's such an honest mule. He really tries so hard to do what I want. When I'm riding him, he takes his job very seriously. Too seriously sometimes. But he really seemed to enjoy our outing today. Me getting off and walking at intervals actually made it more fun for him too because he got those spells to relax and just enjoy himself and he didn't have the be the big brave guy the while time. When I put him back into his paddock, he of course immediately rolled, them came right back to the fence to hang out with me. And he stood at the gate and watched me until I was in the house. Sweet boy.  Now, off to bed.  

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