Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Yep, boys will be boys......

Yesterday, my friend Barbara asked if she could borrow Marie to go riding with Susie. Of course that was fine and they planned to pick her up at 1:00 pm. So, I decided to put the boys out together in the big turnout and Marie alone in Prize's turnout. I knew Marie wouldn't care one way or another as long as there was hay involved. And I thought the boys might get along without their woman to fight over. Sure enough this was so. I was around the barn for a while this morning and the boys spent quite a bit of time standing side by side at the fence line gazing longingly at Marie. Silly boys! And the interactions they were having with each other were low key and playful. Marie's shoes have been pulled for the winter so I dug out her Easyboots and put them on so Barbara wouldn't have to fuss with them. When I left, all was quite. I emailed Tracy to let her know what I had done and told her I was not sure what would be the best plan for bringing them in. Marie is not an issue herself as you can bring her in first, last or middle and she would be fine. Though bringing her in first would get the boys riled up. Anyway, I left it up to Tracy to decided how to handle this as she is an experienced handler and would figure it out. Below is the email I got from Tracy later that night.......All I can say is where is the video camera when you need it! BOYS!!!!

Well, I guess my plan of attack as far as bringing in our two goober heads needs to be refined, LOL. I had quite the time. I know that Prize can be a gate-bully and always, always always wants to be first at anything. I was worried Louie would panic at being left alone in the field and since it was dark I didn't want him getting too riled-up so...... I led them both in at the same time. Repeat after me, "I will not lead in two young john mules at the same time". Repeat this sentence 500 times until it is fully ingrained in the gray matter.

We lead into the barn. Then we quickly exited the barn. Back in. Now out. In. Out. In. Out.

I didn't know my arms could possibly stretch that far, ha ha! You would not believe how FAST all of this was happening.

Finally, help arrives in the form of a 13 year old girl who could not possibly weigh more than 80 pounds soaking wet. However, she is bold and brave and quickly zooms in on Louie whom she has a sweet spot for. "I'll take Louie for you!" she yells. I was dubious but in no position to negotiate as I had dropped Prize' lead shank earlier ( when I almost had him 3/4 of the way into his stall) and was gripping him by the halter only. I didn't think she could handle him without a shank. Happily though, she leads Louie back into the barn. I tell her to just hang on, I'll get him into the stall (while I was quickly pushing Prize into his stall). But she is quite confident and says oh no, she'll put him in. I step out of Prize' stall very fast now, knowing that Louie just might......... yup, drag her out and down the hall. Almost out of the barn. So I made a dive for him, got him turned around and back into his stall, closing the door very, very quickly. He was simply having a panic attack about Marie. I ran out and got her and let her stop and nuzzle him at his stall for a bit. This helped his attitude immensely. After graining them all, I went in and had special Louie-time so he wouldn't think ill of me. Brought him some dehydrated apple slices which were well received. This was the first time since being over at the barn that Louie has relaxed for me and seemed to enjoy having his ears rubbed. So, I think we are on friendly terms!

So, tomorrow night I will first lead in Prize and put him into his stall. Then I will get Louie and walk over to Marie's paddock and get her so they can walk in together (I've lead them in together a few times now with little problem). I will let you know how this goes, it seems like a much better plan than tonights!

I checked Louie over for bite marks. I found the broken skin/dried blood from the other day when he was in with the two of them. Happily, there was no blood anywhere else. So they appear to be getting along and hopefully will start playing and burning off excess energy

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