Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Today Louie and I had our first riding lesson. Well, it's not my first lesson but my first one with him. My lesson was for 8:30 AM. On the way home from work, I stopped at L.L.Bean and purchased a new watch. When I got back in the van, I checked the watch with the clock in the van and they said the same time. I thought..... Anyway, I got home, fed the animals and at 7:00, according to my new watch, sat down to relax in my recliner and check my email. After a few minutes, I notice the time on my computer and it says 8:10!!!! ACK! The barn where I am taking lessons is only 6 miles away. I jump up and run out to catch Louie. He is all happy to be caught but decides to be a bit of a knot head about loading into the trailer. It only took about 5 minutes or so to get him in but not 5 minutes I really wanted to waste. Silly mule.

I called Wendy to tell her I would be a little late and she said that was fine. Louie was much less bug eyed and snorty today since he'd seen the indoor arena last week. I saddled him up then lounged him for just a few minutes. He was definitely nervous judging by the watery mule poo but he was behaving quietly. So, Wendy had me mount up. (shake, shake, shake....) It is awful that I am still anxious about riding this sweet gentle mule. But, I'm getting better each time. Louie moved off the first time I tried to mount but then stood still. Louie moved very cautiously at first. He is treating me like he is carrying an egg on his back. And as stiff as I am, he might as well be. But, with Wendy's encouragment, we were soon walking around the arena much more relaxed. Poor Wendy had her work cut out for her with me though. All the parts of me that should not have moving were. My arm, legs and upper body. And the parts of me that should be relaxed and moving werent, my hips! "stop leaning forward, stop swinging your legs, stop flapping your elbows, sit deep, stop pulling that mule off balance, keep your hands still and use your seat to cue Louie......" ACK! At one point Wendy got so frustrated with my swinging legs (because I was bracing and not relaxing) she made me drop my stirrups and hang my legs. I didn't want to.... but it did help. I certainly was confusing Louie. But, he was doing the best he knew and quite well at that. If he got too unsure of what I wanted, he would just stop and wait for a cue he did understand. Such a good boy. We did walk, trot transitions and direction changes. At the end of the lesson, she had me ride out of the arena and down her driveway which is long. Louie was on high alert with curiousity but behaved perfectly.

It was a very good lesson and just what I need right now. So, same time next week.

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