Today Linda and I got together and went riding down at Browns Point. Rain was predicted for the day but not until about noon time. So, we were hoping we'd get our ride in before the rain. It looked very gloomy when I headed out. Linda didn't have her truck to use so I picked her up. Louie was a BOOGER about loading into the trailer. Now, I know he is not terrified of the trailer. I also realize the he doesn't love it. If he did, he'd jump right in. He did two feet in, back out, two feet in, back out, then just planting himself and not moving at all. I had a rope halter on him but eventually, he started thinking about turning around and leaving. When I saw him thinking about this, I knew we had to change the rules here quick. He has never pulled away from me and he wasn't going to learn now. So, I put a flat halter on and put a stud chain on him. I led him back toward the trailer. Every time he stopped or pulled back at all, I quickly made him back up, more then he wanted to back up. Just a few times of this and he decided getting on the trailer was the better idea.
Linda's horse loaded up good and we headed down to Browns Point. We parked along the side of the road on Center Point Rd. This is a dead end dirt road. It is so pretty in this area as the roads and trails are along a tidal river. I wondered how it would go today. Linda's horse is not a real confident horse and doesn't really like to lead. But, not to worry, Louie got right out in front and was wonderful. There was a lot of traffic today for dead end roads. And a lot of farm machinery along the roads going between fields. Louie was fine with it all. There is one place where we cross a bridge on the tar road. It was high tide and the water was up close to the bridge and swirling hard. Louie didn't like it but he went and did great. I was very pleased with how Louie did today and it was a nice ride. And our timing was good. The rain started when I was dropping Linda off at her house!
A new mule has come into my life finally. She is a wonderful 6 year old 16H molly mule out of a Tennessee Walker mare. I am hoping she will share my passion for distance riding.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
John Tarr Loop trail again
My friend Linda came over today and she, Bonnie and I rode the John Tarr loop trail again. We all took turns leading and all the equines did great. It was a really nice day. Louie is still not happy about crossing water but gets better each time we go out. We lead through some of the water and I let Linda or Bonnie lead through some. We had a really nice ride.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
John Tarr Loop Trail Ride
Cindy on Louie John Tarr Loop Trail
Today, Louie and I went on our second trail ride since my fall. Bonnie came over around 10:00 AM. Louie was happy to be caught and was very quiet while I tacked up. He was quiet when I mounted also. For a few minutes he was a bit jazzed up and jumpy, startling when branches brushed my helmet. But, he just did the usual head high, hurried few steps. Very quickly he started to relax. We followed behind Bonnie on River out to the Dead River/Lewis Hill road crossing. From there Louie took the lead with his nice fast walk. He was just wonderful today. He was not to thrilled about all the water crossings though but did not make a big fuss about them either. I let Bonnie and River lead us through some of them but made Louie go though many of them first. It took a bit of encouragement but once he got his feet in, he would walk across quietly and VERY carefully. There were a lot of water crossings so Louie got lost of practice. And while he continued to be worried about them, he was better at each crossing. We got into some slightly overgrown places and once we'd been out for a short time, he did not keep startling at the branches hitting my helmet. I was so pleased that he was fine with it today, progress for sure. We met an ATV and dirt bike and he didn't seem concerned about that either. He also did great up and down hills. Once again keeping a nice steady pace on all terrain. For just a short spell when we got out on the John Tarr Rd. he got a little jazzed up for some reason and wanted to trot. But, he was no trouble to check back to a walk and soon settled right back down. We were out for about 3 hrs. It was a lovely day and a great ride.
Cindy on Louie going through a puddle

Today, Louie and I went on our second trail ride since my fall. Bonnie came over around 10:00 AM. Louie was happy to be caught and was very quiet while I tacked up. He was quiet when I mounted also. For a few minutes he was a bit jazzed up and jumpy, startling when branches brushed my helmet. But, he just did the usual head high, hurried few steps. Very quickly he started to relax. We followed behind Bonnie on River out to the Dead River/Lewis Hill road crossing. From there Louie took the lead with his nice fast walk. He was just wonderful today. He was not to thrilled about all the water crossings though but did not make a big fuss about them either. I let Bonnie and River lead us through some of them but made Louie go though many of them first. It took a bit of encouragement but once he got his feet in, he would walk across quietly and VERY carefully. There were a lot of water crossings so Louie got lost of practice. And while he continued to be worried about them, he was better at each crossing. We got into some slightly overgrown places and once we'd been out for a short time, he did not keep startling at the branches hitting my helmet. I was so pleased that he was fine with it today, progress for sure. We met an ATV and dirt bike and he didn't seem concerned about that either. He also did great up and down hills. Once again keeping a nice steady pace on all terrain. For just a short spell when we got out on the John Tarr Rd. he got a little jazzed up for some reason and wanted to trot. But, he was no trouble to check back to a walk and soon settled right back down. We were out for about 3 hrs. It was a lovely day and a great ride.
Cindy on Louie going through a puddle

Friday, September 17, 2010
First Real Trail Ride in Seven Months
Today my friend Susie came over to baby sit Louie and me on a trail ride. She rode my good old girl Marie. Susie got quite a work out with her legs......trying to keep Marie moving along at a decent speed. But, Marie is sure a trustworthy, dependable girl, if not a ball of fire.
Louie was just a bit fidigety being saddled. He ususally is very quite when saddled. But, he wasn't bad. He stood very nice for me to mount up. And right at first he was a little jumpy. Nothing big. Just head up and stepping real quick. But, today I was relaxed enough to just stay on him and work through it. It only took a few minutes for him to settle a bit. The sound of branches hitting my helmet and body still startles him. But once again, no big reaction. He just pops his head up and flinches. So, I made as much noise as I could with the branches. Reaching out and pulling leaves off and shaking them. In the end all he was doing was putting his ears back to listen but he stopped flinching. He just did real well. He followed Marie for about 1/2 a mile or so then just couldn't stand how slow she was walking and asked to take the lead. I let him go and he did great. He went on high alert and snorted at a few suspicious looking rocks and one very suspicious looking downed white birch tree. But, he never missed a step and kept up a good steady fast walking pace. He was real good about walking through the big puddles. He was a bit sticky about crossing two streams with running water. But, once again, not a big deal. At the bigger crossing, I had to Have Susie come back with Marie and stand right in the stream. That gave Louie the courage to step in. At the smaller crossing I got off and led him across only because there was a lot of brush there and I didn't want to get hung up in anything if he didn't make a good straigt crossing. At this one I led him back and forth through the water a few time until he crossed quietly without trying to just jump it. Only took three time to get a quiet crossing. We did a short distance on the road. Up past an aplaca farm where the aplaca are on both sides of the road and close to the road. The school bus passed us there. The bus did not slow down and was very noisy. Louie did just a tiny dance in place at the bus very tiny. He didn't make any big deal over the alpaca's either. Just kept a close eye on them but never hesitated going by.
Louie just really did great. He is just still green and needs some time out on the trail. But, he has a good head on his shoulders and is full of try. By now I should have already had a lot of trail miles on him but his injury in February has put us seven months behind. But, that's ok. He is looking great and going great. Absolutely no signs of lameness. He handled the hill work today beautifully. Powering up the hills and walking nice and steady down hills. No rushing or minching steps. Just a normal easy stride going down.
Louie was just a bit fidigety being saddled. He ususally is very quite when saddled. But, he wasn't bad. He stood very nice for me to mount up. And right at first he was a little jumpy. Nothing big. Just head up and stepping real quick. But, today I was relaxed enough to just stay on him and work through it. It only took a few minutes for him to settle a bit. The sound of branches hitting my helmet and body still startles him. But once again, no big reaction. He just pops his head up and flinches. So, I made as much noise as I could with the branches. Reaching out and pulling leaves off and shaking them. In the end all he was doing was putting his ears back to listen but he stopped flinching. He just did real well. He followed Marie for about 1/2 a mile or so then just couldn't stand how slow she was walking and asked to take the lead. I let him go and he did great. He went on high alert and snorted at a few suspicious looking rocks and one very suspicious looking downed white birch tree. But, he never missed a step and kept up a good steady fast walking pace. He was real good about walking through the big puddles. He was a bit sticky about crossing two streams with running water. But, once again, not a big deal. At the bigger crossing, I had to Have Susie come back with Marie and stand right in the stream. That gave Louie the courage to step in. At the smaller crossing I got off and led him across only because there was a lot of brush there and I didn't want to get hung up in anything if he didn't make a good straigt crossing. At this one I led him back and forth through the water a few time until he crossed quietly without trying to just jump it. Only took three time to get a quiet crossing. We did a short distance on the road. Up past an aplaca farm where the aplaca are on both sides of the road and close to the road. The school bus passed us there. The bus did not slow down and was very noisy. Louie did just a tiny dance in place at the bus very tiny. He didn't make any big deal over the alpaca's either. Just kept a close eye on them but never hesitated going by.
Louie just really did great. He is just still green and needs some time out on the trail. But, he has a good head on his shoulders and is full of try. By now I should have already had a lot of trail miles on him but his injury in February has put us seven months behind. But, that's ok. He is looking great and going great. Absolutely no signs of lameness. He handled the hill work today beautifully. Powering up the hills and walking nice and steady down hills. No rushing or minching steps. Just a normal easy stride going down.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
2nd lesson with Louie
I had my second riding lesson with Louie today. I had to borrow my friend Bonnie's trailer to haul him as my trailer is being serviced. Louie loaded ok for the trip over to Gray's Equestrain Training. He was pretty quiet while being tacked up and when we got in the arena. I lounged him for just a few minutes and he was quite relaxed. He actually dropped a solid mule poo instead of water so I really knew he was relaxed. And he stood perfectly when I mounted him. I too was much more relaxed today. We walked and trotted and Wendy didn't have to pick on us half so much today. I mostly had to work on regulating Louie's speed at the trot. He speeds up and slows down if you don't pay attention. Then Wendy asked me to canter him. We didn't manage this. I was a bit nervous and Louie was not at all inclined to canter. He just did a good fast trot. Wendy asked me if he could canter. Well yes, I told her, he was doing a fabulous canter when the day I fell off him! Louie is definitely reluctant to canter now nor is he even sure what I am asking him in the ring. I don't think he's done much ring work. And I didn't want to puch too much or too hard. Not just coming back from a soft tissue injury. He is doing great and looking great. I don't want to take any chances with him. So, we ended the lesson by just riding down the riding center's very long driveway. Louie was NOT a good boy about loading into the trailer for the trip home. He was VERY determined not to get in the trailer. Wendy ended up coming out to help me load him. Guess we have some work to do with this.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Ponied Louie
Got both my "kids" out today. It was a lovely day and I didn't want to leave either one home. So, I rode Marie and ponied Louie. He is quite good about being ponied. He was very happy to get out and very relaxed being with Marie. He hesitated at a few water spots but with Marie pulling, he didn't hesitate long. On the way home, we rode about 1 1/2 miles along the road. It was quite busy and Louie was great about it. At one point we had an ATV pulling a cart full of dragging brush coming towards us with a bicycle behind that and a motorcycle coming from behind us. Louie was fine with all that. The only thing that startled him was someone walking up behind us.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Today Louie and I had our first riding lesson. Well, it's not my first lesson but my first one with him. My lesson was for 8:30 AM. On the way home from work, I stopped at L.L.Bean and purchased a new watch. When I got back in the van, I checked the watch with the clock in the van and they said the same time. I thought..... Anyway, I got home, fed the animals and at 7:00, according to my new watch, sat down to relax in my recliner and check my email. After a few minutes, I notice the time on my computer and it says 8:10!!!! ACK! The barn where I am taking lessons is only 6 miles away. I jump up and run out to catch Louie. He is all happy to be caught but decides to be a bit of a knot head about loading into the trailer. It only took about 5 minutes or so to get him in but not 5 minutes I really wanted to waste. Silly mule.
I called Wendy to tell her I would be a little late and she said that was fine. Louie was much less bug eyed and snorty today since he'd seen the indoor arena last week. I saddled him up then lounged him for just a few minutes. He was definitely nervous judging by the watery mule poo but he was behaving quietly. So, Wendy had me mount up. (shake, shake, shake....) It is awful that I am still anxious about riding this sweet gentle mule. But, I'm getting better each time. Louie moved off the first time I tried to mount but then stood still. Louie moved very cautiously at first. He is treating me like he is carrying an egg on his back. And as stiff as I am, he might as well be. But, with Wendy's encouragment, we were soon walking around the arena much more relaxed. Poor Wendy had her work cut out for her with me though. All the parts of me that should not have moving were. My arm, legs and upper body. And the parts of me that should be relaxed and moving werent, my hips! "stop leaning forward, stop swinging your legs, stop flapping your elbows, sit deep, stop pulling that mule off balance, keep your hands still and use your seat to cue Louie......" ACK! At one point Wendy got so frustrated with my swinging legs (because I was bracing and not relaxing) she made me drop my stirrups and hang my legs. I didn't want to.... but it did help. I certainly was confusing Louie. But, he was doing the best he knew and quite well at that. If he got too unsure of what I wanted, he would just stop and wait for a cue he did understand. Such a good boy. We did walk, trot transitions and direction changes. At the end of the lesson, she had me ride out of the arena and down her driveway which is long. Louie was on high alert with curiousity but behaved perfectly.
It was a very good lesson and just what I need right now. So, same time next week.
I called Wendy to tell her I would be a little late and she said that was fine. Louie was much less bug eyed and snorty today since he'd seen the indoor arena last week. I saddled him up then lounged him for just a few minutes. He was definitely nervous judging by the watery mule poo but he was behaving quietly. So, Wendy had me mount up. (shake, shake, shake....) It is awful that I am still anxious about riding this sweet gentle mule. But, I'm getting better each time. Louie moved off the first time I tried to mount but then stood still. Louie moved very cautiously at first. He is treating me like he is carrying an egg on his back. And as stiff as I am, he might as well be. But, with Wendy's encouragment, we were soon walking around the arena much more relaxed. Poor Wendy had her work cut out for her with me though. All the parts of me that should not have moving were. My arm, legs and upper body. And the parts of me that should be relaxed and moving werent, my hips! "stop leaning forward, stop swinging your legs, stop flapping your elbows, sit deep, stop pulling that mule off balance, keep your hands still and use your seat to cue Louie......" ACK! At one point Wendy got so frustrated with my swinging legs (because I was bracing and not relaxing) she made me drop my stirrups and hang my legs. I didn't want to.... but it did help. I certainly was confusing Louie. But, he was doing the best he knew and quite well at that. If he got too unsure of what I wanted, he would just stop and wait for a cue he did understand. Such a good boy. We did walk, trot transitions and direction changes. At the end of the lesson, she had me ride out of the arena and down her driveway which is long. Louie was on high alert with curiousity but behaved perfectly.
It was a very good lesson and just what I need right now. So, same time next week.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Trip to the Vet
I took Louie up to the vet this morning just for my piece of mind. I've been wanting to have his teeth re-checked anyway. He had to think about loading for a minute but wasn't too bad. And once in, he DIDN'T do any pawing which is an improvment. I'm glad the vet is not far because it is once again in the 90's today. Too hot to be in the trailer long. When we got to the vet, Louie knew where we were and was worried. They had a big floor fan sitting at the barn entrance and he did not want to walk by it. One of the vet tech's moved it into a stall. Louie still did not really want to go in the barn but after a few minutes, I convinced him.
And just as he suspected, he got the dreaded needle! He was a good boy about it though. The vet sedated him and looked over his teeth. He had one that was chipped and it corrusponded with the prodruding cheek bone. She said the chip was no problem and otherwise his teeth were perfect. The vet feels very strongly that Louie just whacked the side of his face on something that caused some bone brusing and the chip to his tooth. She doesn't think there is anything to worry about. And that his grain dropping when he eats is him just being a slobby eater.
We put Louie in a stall to give him time to "wake up" before being trailered home. There was a fan in the stall door and he stood with his face right in the fan. We hosed him down before loading him back into the trailer to help keep him cooler.
So, all is well in Louie-ville!
And just as he suspected, he got the dreaded needle! He was a good boy about it though. The vet sedated him and looked over his teeth. He had one that was chipped and it corrusponded with the prodruding cheek bone. She said the chip was no problem and otherwise his teeth were perfect. The vet feels very strongly that Louie just whacked the side of his face on something that caused some bone brusing and the chip to his tooth. She doesn't think there is anything to worry about. And that his grain dropping when he eats is him just being a slobby eater.
We put Louie in a stall to give him time to "wake up" before being trailered home. There was a fan in the stall door and he stood with his face right in the fan. We hosed him down before loading him back into the trailer to help keep him cooler.
So, all is well in Louie-ville!
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Heat Wave 2
When I went out to feed this morning, I noticed the the Louie's left cheekbone looked different. It was protruding. Enough to be noticeable. And his left eye was tearing like crazy. I looked him over and poked around on his face. There was no puffiness type of swelling, but for sure his right cheekbone looked like it was just protruding out more. I looked at his eye to but didn't see any trouble there. nothing obvious anyway other then the profuse tearing. I fed the horse and mules and cleaned stalls and picked the pasture. Then I checked Louie again. The tearing had stopped. And he didn't care at all about me poking around his face. He was eating normally also. Unfortunately, normally for him means he drops a lot of grain. Something that's bothered me since I've had him. I've had his teeth floated and then had the dentist back to recheck him as the floating did not slow down the food dropping at all. But, the dentist said that Louie's teeth looked fine. Anyway, I called the vet just to see if they thought this was something I should be worrying about. Actually, too late, I was already worrying about it.
The vet called me back around noon time. I described the symptoms and told her about his grain dropping. She said the only thing that came to mind that fit the symptoms was possibly a nasal cyst. She said that could cause the protuberance and the grain dropping but and would not likely cause him much pain. She said if it was any type of infection, there would be a nasal discharge. Louie would have to have his head radiographed to determine this. It was decided to just watch him for now to see if anything changed for the worse.
Today I had a lesson scheduled with Wendy Gray. Louie seemed to be feeling no discomfort so I didn't see any reason not to go. Other then the 90+ degree temperatures. I didn't know if it would be hotter or cooler in Wendy's indoor arena so I headed over to see. Louie loaded up real well though he did his usual pawing once he was in there. I got to Wendy's and Louie unloaded very politely. I led him into the arena and it was even hotter in there then outside. No way I was going to ride Louie in that kind of heat. Wendy was down in the paddock's filling water buckets. She had tried to call me but didn't have my current phone number. It was good I went over though as Louie was quite bug eyed about the arena. I led him around and let him look at everything. He behaved quite well other then not wanting to stand still. And, he left numerous piles of loose mule patties around. He loaded back into the trailer quite well again and also was very good unloading at home. GOOD BOY!
I will likely call the vet back again tomorrow and make an appointment for them to look at Louie. The grain dropping has been bothering me anyway. I'm quite sure there is something causing it.
The vet called me back around noon time. I described the symptoms and told her about his grain dropping. She said the only thing that came to mind that fit the symptoms was possibly a nasal cyst. She said that could cause the protuberance and the grain dropping but and would not likely cause him much pain. She said if it was any type of infection, there would be a nasal discharge. Louie would have to have his head radiographed to determine this. It was decided to just watch him for now to see if anything changed for the worse.
Today I had a lesson scheduled with Wendy Gray. Louie seemed to be feeling no discomfort so I didn't see any reason not to go. Other then the 90+ degree temperatures. I didn't know if it would be hotter or cooler in Wendy's indoor arena so I headed over to see. Louie loaded up real well though he did his usual pawing once he was in there. I got to Wendy's and Louie unloaded very politely. I led him into the arena and it was even hotter in there then outside. No way I was going to ride Louie in that kind of heat. Wendy was down in the paddock's filling water buckets. She had tried to call me but didn't have my current phone number. It was good I went over though as Louie was quite bug eyed about the arena. I led him around and let him look at everything. He behaved quite well other then not wanting to stand still. And, he left numerous piles of loose mule patties around. He loaded back into the trailer quite well again and also was very good unloading at home. GOOD BOY!
I will likely call the vet back again tomorrow and make an appointment for them to look at Louie. The grain dropping has been bothering me anyway. I'm quite sure there is something causing it.
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