I played with Louie at home today. I saddled him up and put the bit I had used with Ruby on him to see how he responded to it. He seemed fine. He responded nicely. Very much the same as with the Mikmar bit. We practiced lining up to a mounting block. Not that I need one, just a good thing to learn. I rode and did walk, trot, whoa and back. Then had him go over the bridge. He was very good.
A new mule has come into my life finally. She is a wonderful 6 year old 16H molly mule out of a Tennessee Walker mare. I am hoping she will share my passion for distance riding.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Group ride in Phippsburg
A beautiful day here in Maine for the end of November!! Sunny, hardly any breeze and nearly 50 degrees. A group of us went riding today in Phippsburg. I rode Louie and took Marie down for Barbara to ride. Bonnie took her mule and picked up a friends horse. Linda came with her new horse Gus and someone was riding her old horse. I was all alone when I loaded up today. But, no problem as Louie was very good about loading in my trailer. He did have to think about it for just a moment, but not much more. He did paw a bit once he was in but no big deal. I put the hoof boots on him before loading him to go. What a sweet patient boy he is. At one point when I was pulling a strap tight with a pair of pliers, the pliers slipped off and I fell right under Louie. I grabbed his front legs to stop and pull myself out. That good boy didn’t do a thing. Just watched me with curiosity. He unloaded nicely out of my trailer. I think it is the ramp on Bonnie’s trailer that bothered him. He was very quite to be saddled. More interested in eating his hay then in all the other trailers and horses arriving. The horse that Bonnie had picked up absolutely refused to back out of her trailer. She ended up taking her saddles and racks out to collapse the tack room wall so the could just let the horse turn around to come out.
Louie started out right in the lead as usual. He was just wonderful the whole ride. At times I had him ride in the middle of the pack and then at the end. He was happy as a clam no matter where he was. He still is not thrilled about walking into water but he is just not challenging me much about it. He is trying very hard to do what I want. And he is obviously getting used to the feel of me and how I ride as he is now taking very light signals to cue him for stuff. We had a truck with a flatbed trailer go by us. The flatbed had a large garden shed on it and it was all bumping noisily through the pot holes on the dirt road. Louie didn’t even bat an ear at this. And didn’t even hesitate when I asked him to trot along after it. GOOD BOY!! All in all just another wonderful ride
A beautiful day here in Maine for the end of November!! Sunny, hardly any breeze and nearly 50 degrees. A group of us went riding today in Phippsburg. I rode Louie and took Marie down for Barbara to ride. Bonnie took her mule and picked up a friends horse. Linda came with her new horse Gus and someone was riding her old horse. I was all alone when I loaded up today. But, no problem as Louie was very good about loading in my trailer. He did have to think about it for just a moment, but not much more. He did paw a bit once he was in but no big deal. I put the hoof boots on him before loading him to go. What a sweet patient boy he is. At one point when I was pulling a strap tight with a pair of pliers, the pliers slipped off and I fell right under Louie. I grabbed his front legs to stop and pull myself out. That good boy didn’t do a thing. Just watched me with curiosity. He unloaded nicely out of my trailer. I think it is the ramp on Bonnie’s trailer that bothered him. He was very quite to be saddled. More interested in eating his hay then in all the other trailers and horses arriving. The horse that Bonnie had picked up absolutely refused to back out of her trailer. She ended up taking her saddles and racks out to collapse the tack room wall so the could just let the horse turn around to come out.
Louie started out right in the lead as usual. He was just wonderful the whole ride. At times I had him ride in the middle of the pack and then at the end. He was happy as a clam no matter where he was. He still is not thrilled about walking into water but he is just not challenging me much about it. He is trying very hard to do what I want. And he is obviously getting used to the feel of me and how I ride as he is now taking very light signals to cue him for stuff. We had a truck with a flatbed trailer go by us. The flatbed had a large garden shed on it and it was all bumping noisily through the pot holes on the dirt road. Louie didn’t even bat an ear at this. And didn’t even hesitate when I asked him to trot along after it. GOOD BOY!! All in all just another wonderful ride
Sunday, November 22, 2009
First ride from the house
Bonnie and I rode again today. Barbara M. joined us riding my horse Marie. I put Old Mac boots on Louie today. He has been just a tiny bit tender over rock on the past 2 rides and today would be very rocky. I doubt he has ever worn boot but didn't fuss at all about me putting them. on. Good boy! Louie once again fussed just a tiny bit about me mounting. But, after just a few circles around me, he stood very nice. He started out in the lead once again. When we came out of the wood to the road, near my neighbor with the llama, Louie was a bit worried about the llama and I let Bonnie lead there. Louis is still not thrilled about walking into water but is resisting less and less. I still only needed just light leg pressure to encourage him through. There was just one spot where there was a mule eating rock sticking out of a large puddle that gave him some real concern. He did the first river crossing very well. Once again I let him follow River in and he was very good. Then we had the steep climbs and descents on the pipeline. He wasn’t sure what to think of that. He climbed very well but was unsure of how to handle the steep downhills. He got the hang of it after a few of them. Then at the second river crossing, I was behind Bonnie. It is downhill with a bit of a drop off into the water at this crossing. Nothing bad and Louie followed River with little hesitation but at the last second took a HUGE flying leap coming down into the river with a big splash! I was amazed I stayed on without even losing my stirrups. We definitely had some big air on that one. Barbara said it was a pretty impressive jump. Once Louie was in the river though, he was fine. He did great on the way home. Going through the many water spots just fine. He was getting pooped out though and was not moving out so fast any longer. I think Louie did wonderful for a young, somewhat green mule. All in all, another wonderful ride.
Bonnie and I rode again today. Barbara M. joined us riding my horse Marie. I put Old Mac boots on Louie today. He has been just a tiny bit tender over rock on the past 2 rides and today would be very rocky. I doubt he has ever worn boot but didn't fuss at all about me putting them. on. Good boy! Louie once again fussed just a tiny bit about me mounting. But, after just a few circles around me, he stood very nice. He started out in the lead once again. When we came out of the wood to the road, near my neighbor with the llama, Louie was a bit worried about the llama and I let Bonnie lead there. Louis is still not thrilled about walking into water but is resisting less and less. I still only needed just light leg pressure to encourage him through. There was just one spot where there was a mule eating rock sticking out of a large puddle that gave him some real concern. He did the first river crossing very well. Once again I let him follow River in and he was very good. Then we had the steep climbs and descents on the pipeline. He wasn’t sure what to think of that. He climbed very well but was unsure of how to handle the steep downhills. He got the hang of it after a few of them. Then at the second river crossing, I was behind Bonnie. It is downhill with a bit of a drop off into the water at this crossing. Nothing bad and Louie followed River with little hesitation but at the last second took a HUGE flying leap coming down into the river with a big splash! I was amazed I stayed on without even losing my stirrups. We definitely had some big air on that one. Barbara said it was a pretty impressive jump. Once Louie was in the river though, he was fine. He did great on the way home. Going through the many water spots just fine. He was getting pooped out though and was not moving out so fast any longer. I think Louie did wonderful for a young, somewhat green mule. All in all, another wonderful ride.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Riding in Pittston
Bonnie and I took Louie and River to Pittston. Louie was not too keen on loading into the trailer but he did after a few minutes. It was too nice a day not to ride and we figured this would be a fairly safe place to ride during hunting season. I made Louie back off the trailer today rather then letting him turn around. He did not like this at all but eventually he did it. He was very good for grooming and being saddled. He fussed just a little bit about me mounting until he was standing close to River. Pittston is a good place to ride because of the nice roads where you can travel fast if you want. So, I was able to put Louie through his paces. He has a lovely smooth walk, a real nice easy trot and a beautiful canter. I had his bit adjusted properly today and he rode much better. He led the way for the most part. He was still reluctant to walk through water but did not make any big fuss at all. It just took fairly light leg pressure to encourage him to go through. He eyeballed a few things such as light colored rocks and such. But, he didn’t actually spook at anything. Even a woman down in a ditch by a pond that surprised us. Louie was just a real good boy and I had a wonderful ride. He put up more of a fuss about loading into the trailer for the ride home but we managed to get him on within 15 min. or so. He did better backing off at home. I don’t think he likes the ramp on Bonnie’s trailer
Bonnie and I took Louie and River to Pittston. Louie was not too keen on loading into the trailer but he did after a few minutes. It was too nice a day not to ride and we figured this would be a fairly safe place to ride during hunting season. I made Louie back off the trailer today rather then letting him turn around. He did not like this at all but eventually he did it. He was very good for grooming and being saddled. He fussed just a little bit about me mounting until he was standing close to River. Pittston is a good place to ride because of the nice roads where you can travel fast if you want. So, I was able to put Louie through his paces. He has a lovely smooth walk, a real nice easy trot and a beautiful canter. I had his bit adjusted properly today and he rode much better. He led the way for the most part. He was still reluctant to walk through water but did not make any big fuss at all. It just took fairly light leg pressure to encourage him to go through. He eyeballed a few things such as light colored rocks and such. But, he didn’t actually spook at anything. Even a woman down in a ditch by a pond that surprised us. Louie was just a real good boy and I had a wonderful ride. He put up more of a fuss about loading into the trailer for the ride home but we managed to get him on within 15 min. or so. He did better backing off at home. I don’t think he likes the ramp on Bonnie’s trailer
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Just playing with Louie
Today is the first day I played with Louie at all. He has been very sweet and affectionate. Followed me around and loves attention. He is easy to handle and can be touched anywhere with no fuss. I haltered and brushed him. Then had him do some yielding in hand. He was not at all sure of what I was asking him. I walked him over my bridge and he didn’t fuss long about that before he walked over it nicely. Then I lunged him just at the walk in both directions. He wasn’t too sure of that either but caught on pretty quick. I think he as probably done all this stuff and is just working at figuring me out. Then I took his halter off, loved on him and gave him a treat.
Today is the first day I played with Louie at all. He has been very sweet and affectionate. Followed me around and loves attention. He is easy to handle and can be touched anywhere with no fuss. I haltered and brushed him. Then had him do some yielding in hand. He was not at all sure of what I was asking him. I walked him over my bridge and he didn’t fuss long about that before he walked over it nicely. Then I lunged him just at the walk in both directions. He wasn’t too sure of that either but caught on pretty quick. I think he as probably done all this stuff and is just working at figuring me out. Then I took his halter off, loved on him and gave him a treat.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Saying goodbye to Ruby....
Sunday, November 15, 2009
First ride on Louie

I took Louie for our first ride today. We went to a group ride in Phippsburg. Kathy rode Ruby again. Bonnie came along with River. The ride was from Terry York’s place and there was a dinner after. Louie was very good. He stood well tied at the trailer and while being saddled and mounted. He really didn’t do a thing wrong on the ride. He led for most of it and really walks out nice. And sooooooo smooth. We didn’t do a lot of trotting as Louis is barefoot and was just a bit tender on the rocks. We rode for over 2 hrs. The only trouble I had at all was that Louie was a bit balky at walking though the water puddles. But, there were a lot of them and we managed. When we got back, we loaded River and Louie into Bonnie’s trailer and went in to eat. Both mules stood quietly on the trailer. I was very pleased with Louie today
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Took Kathy riding at beach
I took Kathy riding at Popham beach today. Not the best weather but we had a blast anyway. We met Susie, Rocky, Amy, Judy and Amy’s daughter there. It was only sprinkling when we got there and very windy. Kathy rode Ruby and I rode Marie. I decided the beach might be a bit much for Louie for our first ride. It really started raining hard just before we got done riding and we got soaked. I decided to drop my leased mule Ruby and my horse Marie off at Susie’s house for the night. I just didn’t have enough room at my place for everyone to get safely under cover for the night. I didn’t want anyone stuck outside in the rain all night either. With only 3 back at my house, I could let everyone have a separate run in. I’m glad I did this as we got over 5 inches of rain overnight.
I took Kathy riding at Popham beach today. Not the best weather but we had a blast anyway. We met Susie, Rocky, Amy, Judy and Amy’s daughter there. It was only sprinkling when we got there and very windy. Kathy rode Ruby and I rode Marie. I decided the beach might be a bit much for Louie for our first ride. It really started raining hard just before we got done riding and we got soaked. I decided to drop my leased mule Ruby and my horse Marie off at Susie’s house for the night. I just didn’t have enough room at my place for everyone to get safely under cover for the night. I didn’t want anyone stuck outside in the rain all night either. With only 3 back at my house, I could let everyone have a separate run in. I’m glad I did this as we got over 5 inches of rain overnight.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Louie has arrived
Louie arrived today. Kathy Lawless delivered him. She said he traveled very well. He is cute. Kind of small but I already knew that. It was exciting to finally see and meet him as I was crazy enough to buy this little brown mule sight unseen simply on the recommendation of a friend, who also had not seen the mule. Yep, crazy, I know. We turned Louie and my boarders mule River out together in the front paddock as they had already gotten to know one another on the trip. I put my horse Marie and Ruby out in the back paddock and left my boarder's loaner mule Rooster in the river paddock. Everyone was very stirred up. Bonnie, Kathy and I hung out in the pasture and just talked for a while and watched the animals to make sure everyone was going to be ok. I called Don, the man I bought Louie from, while we were watching the mules and horse to let him know that Louie had arrived safe and sound. Louie came up to me several times to say hello. He seems very friendly. When I went out to feed later, I just put grain in the hay rack and let Louie and River share. While I was out there, River approached me, sniffed at the garden cart, then jumped, spun and kicked me pretty hard in the upper thigh!!! Lucky he got me on the meaty part of the leg and didn’t do any damage! Rotten mule.
Louie arrived today. Kathy Lawless delivered him. She said he traveled very well. He is cute. Kind of small but I already knew that. It was exciting to finally see and meet him as I was crazy enough to buy this little brown mule sight unseen simply on the recommendation of a friend, who also had not seen the mule. Yep, crazy, I know. We turned Louie and my boarders mule River out together in the front paddock as they had already gotten to know one another on the trip. I put my horse Marie and Ruby out in the back paddock and left my boarder's loaner mule Rooster in the river paddock. Everyone was very stirred up. Bonnie, Kathy and I hung out in the pasture and just talked for a while and watched the animals to make sure everyone was going to be ok. I called Don, the man I bought Louie from, while we were watching the mules and horse to let him know that Louie had arrived safe and sound. Louie came up to me several times to say hello. He seems very friendly. When I went out to feed later, I just put grain in the hay rack and let Louie and River share. While I was out there, River approached me, sniffed at the garden cart, then jumped, spun and kicked me pretty hard in the upper thigh!!! Lucky he got me on the meaty part of the leg and didn’t do any damage! Rotten mule.
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