Thursday, May 7, 2020

Rock Stepping

Loretta was driving to camp from home this morning so we did not get a very early start. She rode Chance today so we decided to meet up at T-Lick on Black Ridge Rd. I told Loretta today that I was going to have to start with a 0 tolerance for letting Lily snack on stuff while going down the trail. Lily was taking advantage of this BAD. It was getting dangerous as she was not watching where her feet were and zig zagging around to grab stuff and not listening to me. And it was going to be an all or nothing thing as if Lily thinks she can do it at all, she will push the limits constantly. Loretta completely understood. So, the first part of our ride was a bit rough with me constantly correcting Lily every time she tried to grab something. But, as much as I had to get after her, she seemed to understand that she'd been pushing it as she understood what I was telling her and did not seem to hold any grudge or get upset in any way at being corrected. There was a spot on the trail where we were startled by some Turkey Vultures flying up out of a hollow. Lily had stopped and been sniffing the wind pretty hard before the vultures flew up. So, they didn't startle her as much as they did me. Later on we ran into Kathy Lawless and Hope on the trail. She asked if we'd passed a dead horse on the trail. We hadn't but I'm quite sure it was where Lily was sniffing and the vultures were. UGH! Kathy said a horse had been spooked when a dog had popped out on a ledge above the horses head. The horse spun and caught a leg and broke it. Anthony had to ride out and shot it. UGH again. When we looped around and got back to Black Ridge Rd, I crossed and rode a bit further with Loretta and we separated at the creek by the trail that leads to T-Lick. We parted ways there and I had an uneventful ride back to my house.

After a while, she finally stopped trying to grab every green thing we passed and I only had to make a few corrections. It was hugely more pleasant going down the trail in a straight line with her head steady in front of me and with her watching her feet instead of the greenery. When we got to NoNo Rock, there is a big rock there that I've previously asked Lily to step up on and she has never been willing to do so. I think the last time I tried, I was with Anthony and he eventually made her do it with the use of several ropes to make her put her feet on it.  I considered for a moment weather it would be worth asking her as I didn't want to get into a big battle. I decided to give it a try. I rode up to it, getting ready for the big fuss and much to my surprise, Lily didn't even hesitate. She hopped her front feet right up there and then eyeballed me out of the corner of her eye waiting for the praise and treats! And she sure did get them. Good mule!!! Since I've been working on this the past few rides, she now understands exactly what I want. She stepped up on a few other rocks today too without any hesitation.

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