Sunday, December 9, 2018

Trip Home, Day off, One Last Ride in Shawnee

 Friday morning, we packed our stuff up and loaded JoJo's trailer. JoJo's mule Sinbad decided he wanted to stay at camp refused to load into the trailer. 4 of 5 cowboys quickly came to help and eventually Sinbad was convinced to get onto the trailer. Lily loaded right up and we were on our way. We did find another route to go home and it was a MUCH better way to go. We managed to blow another trailer tire. And now we had no spare as it was already on the trailer. And we still didn't have a 4 way. We were about 10 miles out of the last town we'd passed, Calico Rock. I googled tire shops and found someone that would come out and get the tires. While we waited, several people stopped and offered to help. One man that stopped had a 4 way and got the flat tire off before the tire repair woman showed up. She was a super nice woman and sole owner of the tire shop. She put both flat tires in her truck and JoJo went with her back to town to mount new tires on the rims. Both mules were quite through the wait. The woman came back and put the tire back on the trailer and we were on our way. The trip home was smooth and uneventful. We enjoyed each others company, chatted and the time passed quickly. JoJo dropped Amy and me off at Delbert's. Lily was happy to be home to roll in her own dirt. We unloaded as quickly as we could and JoJo headed home. I'd left my little truck at the barn so we tossed our stuff in and drove home. When we got to the house, I was surprised to see a strange car in the driveway. Turned out to be my brother in law, Leigh on a surprise visit. I was so happy to see him and I knew it would mean a lot to Fred that he'd come to visit. I quickly got a bed made up for Leigh, Amy was in her usual room and I had a house full.

Saturday, Amy and I decided to go over to the Amish in Kentucky to the saddle maker. I had a piece of tack at one of the harness makers shops that I needed to pick up. Amy cooked us breakfast then Fred and Leigh headed off. Amy and I took the ferry over to KY. We stopped first at Crooked Creek Saddlery. Then we went over to Detweilers Harness shop. The owner is 91 years old and still making harness and other tack. We all went out to eat at the Red Onion that night. It was a long wait to get in as expected but the food was good. When we got home we played the Mexican Train Game. It was a nice day. I contacted my neighbor Sally to see if she could ride Sunday morning and asked if we could borrow a horse. She said yes and that she could ride. We made the plan to meet at 10:00 am.

In the morning, Amy and I walked up to Sally's place and Amy stayed there to help Sally get horses ready. I walked on over to the barn to get Lily. Much to my delight, after all the riding I've done the past week and the two long trailer rides, when I called to Lily, she came right to me ready for whatever I had planned. I rode over and met Sally and Amy and then we went back over to catch the trail behind the barn. I at first asked if we could ride out the north trail as the one behind the barn is the steep drop that Lily and I have been having an issue with. Then I decided that I might as well just go for it while I had people there to pick up the pieces if there was a problem. Amy and Sally rode down the trail ahead of me. Lily did stop and refuse at first. I just asked her to go forward and she pinned her ears, shook her head and backed up a few steps, I asked her again and she decided to go. I left her alone and let her do her thing as there was no problem. Though it's a small thing, it was a big step forward for us and I was so pleased with her. Amy was riding Sally's horse Zak, a Paso Fino gelding. And Sally was riding her little Paso horse ChiChi. We had a great ride and in places moved right out to take advantage of the gaited horses. We rode to Initial Tree, up by Indian Paint Wall, crossed over Black Ridge Rd. and went to Pounds Hollow Lake. We rode the trail along the lake and then up on top to the overlook. From there we rode along Little Hurricane Bluff and back home by way of trail 188 and then 184 to Black's Cabin. It was a great ending to Amy's trip.

That night Amy got a message from the airline that her flight home had been cancelled due to bad weather going through the Carolina's. So, she ended up riding back to Maine with Leigh. It worked out perfect.

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