Saturday, October 26, 2013

Popham Beach on Dixie

Today Susie invited me to ride with her at Popham beach and I could ride her mare Dixie. I jumped at the chance. I've never ridden Dixie but know she is a nice horse. It was a fairly nice day today. A bit overcast and the wind was strong and a bit nippy on the beach but still quite nice. There were a lot of horses on the beach today. There was a group from the Maine Trail Riders and a group from the Mainly Gaiters. We were meeting our friends Mary and Liselle Batt and since we got a later start then planned, figured they were already out on the beach by the time we got there. We hadn't gone far when Susie realized she had not locked her truck and wanted to go back to lock it. When we got back to the parking lot, we met Liselle and they had just arrived. After happy greetings, Liselle we'd meet her and her mom out on the beach and Susie and I rode back out.

Susie and I rode straight out towards the rocks and then around and down the beach towards the fort. We walked for a while until Bazeyn settled down a but then we did a nice long trot to the point. We turned around there and rode back to find Mary and Liselle. We were nearly back to the parking lot when we spotted them galloping our way from the rocks. We joined up and all headed back towards the fort. This time we rode all the way to the fort and around it. All the horses were good together and we had a nice ride. Towards the end of the ride, Liselle got on Susie's horse Bazeyn. Liselle used to won Bazeyn so she enjoyed taking him for a nice gallop down the beach for old time sake. It was a fun ride and I really enjoyed riding Dixie. She is a wonderful mare. It's been a paint mare weekend for me!


  1. You've been nominated for the Liebster Blog Award! You rock! Check out my blog for the details!!
