Friday, December 14, 2012

Ride in Bowdoinham

I was scheduled to work this Friday but work volumes being lower then forecast, the shift was cancelled. So, when Susie mentioned to me that she and Linda were riding today, I was able to join them. We decided to ride on the trails in Topsham at Murder Rd. I was a few minutes late leaving my house and called Susie to let her know. She asked me to stop by her house as she was having trouble loading her new horse. When I got there, Linda had driven over to help also. Unfortunately, we were not able to load the horse and Linda ran out of time to go to Topsham. So, she decided to go home and just do a quick ride from her house and Susie and I rode from her house. We had a very nice ride. We did some trails by the river near her house. Because the trails are so flat in Topsham, I'd brought my mule saddle for Luke so I could ride wearing my lined jeans. The mule saddle is not a great fit on Luke but he doesn't seem to be bothered as long as we stay on flat ground. But, going downhill, it pinches his shoulders. We didn't do much for hills in Bowdoinham either but we did go through a few short but steep gullies. Luke did shake his head in protest a few times but that was it. I felt bad and I'm grateful that he's such a good boy. I promised him that I would not be so lazy in the future and will dress appropriately to use my English saddle. Before going back to Susie's we took a spin around town. Luke and Dixie were both very good and it was a nice ride.

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