Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Naughty Louie!!

Bad Louie! I really hate when they get so attached to another equine that they just lose their brains over it. And it's not an easy thing to cure. Well, I don't think you ever cure it as it's in their nature to be with their herd. Marie used to be very bad about this also. But, with time she has learned to deal with it and not lose her head. So, Maybe by the time Louie is 20 years old, he too will be able to deal with this a bit better......... Never a dull moment with these mule BOYS! 

We arrived around 4 pm at dusk.  I could see Marie was anxious to come in but we chose the boys first.  All was well until I got Louie most of the way into his stall and then Marie started calling out.  Woops, that was the deal breaker for Louie and he barreled out of the stall and just booked it.  I started loosing my grip on the line and Eric grabbed him but he was in freight train mode and wouldn't be stopped.  He ran around the back and cruised between Marie and the manure pile.  Eric ran to get Marie to lure him in and Karen and Bart helped corner him.  My fault for letting him go as I had forgotten your advice to use the chain over his nose so once he was caught the chain went on.  Led him in behind Marie and once her stall door was closed she started called him again.  This time he booked it into the indoor but I was able to hang on and Bart helped get him back to our aisle.  At this point he led in to his stall easily since Marie was quiet.  Phew.  So sorry!  I should have had the chain on at the beginning. Should I have brought Marie in first?  It was her trotting and calling that caused him to get back to her asap.

Anyway, all are fine and were happy to get out of the drizzle. Sorry this report was about mule naughtyness.

1 comment:

  1. Aw, he's human! Ok, maybe not human, but he's not perfect - just like the rest of us.

    Glad no one was hurt. :)
