Saturday, March 21, 2020

Rough Day for Rebel

Today Loretta was going to take me somewhere new. She picked me and Lily up and we parked at Camp Cadiz. Our plan was to ride to Rock Creek and this would be new trails to me. I still can't lift Lily's saddle up onto her back. I continue to have to use my 3 step mounting block so I don't have to lift. And I have to hold the reins most of the time in my left hand. As long as I do that though, it's no problem riding thankfully. I do have to keep the rides to walking. Any faster that causes bouncing and that hurts my shoulder. So, walking it is.

It didn't take long for us to get into some pretty bluffs and find a little waterfall. At about 2 miles out, we heard one of the dogs cry out in pain. And then saw Rebel coming towards us and he was limping on one of his front legs. Loretta quickly got off her horse to see what was wrong with Rebel and there was nothing visible that could be seen. But, he was in obvious pain. We decided we'd better head back to the trailer. If he "walked it off" before we got there, we would just keep riding. Rebel did not walk it off and continued to limp. We got back to Camp Cadiz and discussed what to do. We decided to leave Rebel at the trailer and continue riding. We set him up in the horse trailer with water and a nice place to lay down.

After a little discussion on where to go now, we decided we didn't want to go back the way we'd started out and repeat the same 2 miles of trail so decided instead to ride to my house from Cadiz. I could then take Loretta back in my car to get her trailer. We had a very nice ride back to my house. Once there, we put Loretta's horse Chance in Lily's stall with hay and water to keep him happy while we went to get her trailer. Rebel was happy to see us. Some campers at Cadiz said he'd been quiet while we were gone and had made no fuss. We went back to my house and Loretta picked up Chance and headed home. She called her vet as she was really worried about Rebel. The vet told her to meet her at the vet clinic on her way home from my house. It was such a good thing her vet was able to do this for her as it turned out Rebel had dislocated his shoulder. The vet was able to put it back in place and Rebel should be fine with a little rest.

This is the I don't want to stand still and pose series of pictures. Unless offered a treat of course. 

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