Saturday, December 16, 2017

Gum Springs

Another adventure and some new territory covered today. I joined up with Keith, Gaby and Chuck at The Hitching Post. This is the parking area north of Trigg Tower where the River to River crosses the Trigg Tower Rd. I was able to locate it on the map so felt sure I would be able to find it with no problems. I was a bit slow getting going this morning. I'd been sick on Thursday but had felt a bit better Friday. But, lack of sleep and long work schedules made it hard to get going this morning. I knew it was going to be a lovely day though and was excited to see some new territory so I dragged myself out of bed and hustled around to head out on time. Lily loaded right up in the trailer with no hesitation. I thought I would need to fuel up and was not sure if there was anywhere to do so on my way to where we were riding. Hathaway's was the closest place I could think of and was not far off my path. When I got out to the intersection where I'd have to turn out of my way to get fuel, I decided that I have enough to get to our riding spot and make it back to fuel up on the way home. So, I kept going. I was glad I did as I'd forgotten about Mitchellsville Country Store that was right on my way. I was running close on time though so still decided to fuel up on the way home. The plan was to meet at 10:00 and I got there just a few minutes after 10. Lily was kind of excited when I unloaded her and I kind of rushed trying to get her groomed and tacked up. That did not help to settle her down. But, she was not really bad either, just a little squirmy. Once we were mounted and got moving, Lily settled right down fine.

We rode out to Gum Springs. What a lovely spot! We had a slightly tricky stream crossing there. Lily was a bit hesitant at first as we split up and crossed in two different spots so I was in the lead for where Keith and I crossed. But, Lily went and and made the steep climb out in true mule fashion. We came out to a dirt road with a wide concrete bridge. I happened to be in the lead there and could feel Lily tensing up as we approached the bridge. I told the others to let me get her across in the lead. Well, that plan didn't go so well. Lily was pretty convinced that bridge was a giant mule eating death platform and tough she kept making some honest efforts to work up the courage to cross in the lead, could not quite do it. And my legs cramped up bad from using leg pressure to get her to cross. So, Gaby led the way and her mare. Darn.....

We rode up over a ridge looking for a Mormon plaque out in the woods that Keith wanted to show us. We never did find that but did come across an interesting little cemetery with gravestones marked from the 1800's. We ended up on a trail that Keith and his group had never been on before that took us along a bluff beside a late that had an absolutely stunning view of a dramatic bluff across the lake that jutted out into the lake. This trail was a really nice trail and brought us back around by the bridge. I was in the lead here so again asked Lily to go across the death trap first. This time she worked up the courage to do it. Good girl!!

We stopped for lunch along the trail. When we headed out again, Gaby wanted to ride Lily. I was fine with this of course though hoped Lily would behave. Other than Anthony, who started her under saddle and put 1/2 dozen rides on her, only one other person has been on her and that didn't go very well. Gaby is quite a bit more petite than I am so my saddle was not very comfortable for her. The stirrups on her saddle were not easily adjustable so we left them where they were so I was riding her mare in Jockey position. Lily was not bad but she was not her best either. She kept snaking her head and breaking stride. Gaby's mare was a very good girl for me. I was in the lead on her mare and trying to stay on trail where we were was a real challenge. The trail was not real clear and with the leaves down, it was hard to follow. So, we did not ride all that fast though this part of the trail. Gaby was ready to switch mounts again fairly soon. Pretty sure she is not going to be rushing out to buy a mule anytime soon.

When we got back to the trailers we only had 10 miles in so decided to ride a little longer in a different direction. This was trail I have been on before when riding out of Jack Davis Camp. Very dramatically beautiful trail with the rock formations you ride though. Chuck wanted to see if there was still a big tree down on the trail by the railroad tracks. We had stopped to take some pictures by a pretty bluff wall and two people on mountain bikes came up on us. Mountain bikes are not allowed on the trails. That group has been fighting hard to gain trail access and we've been seeing them on the trail more and more. I am not against sharing trail with other users. But, I have to admit that many of the trails in the Shawnee are not safe for the equine/bike mix. Keith only asked them to speak whenever they were approaching equines so they would not spook them.  The tree was still down on the trail so we turned around and rode back the way we came.

Once back to the parking area, Keith and I both did a practice trot out. Lily did NOT load up like a good girl for the trip home. It still didn't take me long to load her but she let it be known she would rather keep hanging out with her gaited friends. Naughty mule..... The drive down to the main road was so beautiful. We were up on a hill and the view driving down was stunning. I stopped at the Mitchellsville Country store on the way home to fuel up and...... the truck decided it wanted to stay there. It would not start. It wouldn't even consider it. So, I called Delbert first as I knew I'd need him to come with his truck we we couldn't figure out what was wrong with mine and get it started. Then I called Fred and told him to come out with Delbert. Lily was such a good girl while we waited to be rescued. She nickered at me a few time and I realized she had not taken a drink while out on trail. So, I got a bucket and got it filled at the store and she gratefully drank that down. When Delbert and Fred arrived, we had no luck getting the truck started so Delbert pulled my truck out of the way of the pumps and hooked up to my trailer and got us home. Having the truck break down again is so frustrating BUT, at least it broke down on the way home and didn't spoil a great ride!

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