Saturday, September 13, 2014

Riding to West Bowdoin and Scary Tee Shirts

Marie had a busy day. First it was the farrier in the morning to put some nice new shoes on her feet. Then in the afternoon it was the equine dentist to get her teeth floated. She slept through the farrier work. She is not so happy about getting her teeth done but Steve Akeley is soooooo good with handling horses that he quickly had her standing quietly to have the work done. And this winter is going to be a bit easier I think. Fred traded his motorcycle for a plow truck. A much needed piece of equipment on the farm. 

Cierra and I got out for a nice long ride today. I didn't have any specific plan in mind on where to go so one trail led to a "oh, lets try this trail" to another, "lets try this trail". We started out by crossing the bridge by my house and going out on the trail behind my neighbors house. I haven't done this trail in a while and it seems no one is using it anymore as it was a little hard to follow and I did lose it once, but managed to get back on it after a bit of searching. This trail leads us out on the Starbird Corner Rd. We went up that road and at the end I decided to ride out towards West Bowdoin on the multi use trail. Tink hesitated about leading across one of the water crossings.  Cierra patiently but persistently requested she lead through and she did. We came out at the Wheeler farm. Cierra in Tinkerbell had been leading most of the time. There are some cows, sheep, ducks, and dogs at the farm and Tink decided she would rather follow Marie though here. We went straight across the West Rd and from that trail, I took the side short cut over to the Allan farm fields. That piece is a little muddy but quite a short stretch so worth taking anyway. We took the trail from the Allan farm over to the West Jim Rideout Road trail. That is such a lovely section of trail. Tink had a boot coming off so we just removed it and carried it to the first stream crossing as the velcro was full of mud and needed to be rinsed out. The footing was all really nice to the water crossing so not a problem. From that trail I took the trail that leads towards the Hill's sand pit. I don't know those trail all that well but figured I'd manage to get through and I did. There are such nice trails out there and I did get out to the sand pit and then remembered the short trail to Stephanie Hill's house. She is a fellow horse owner and a very nice woman so we rode up to see if she was home and say hi. She was home and hard at work around the farm getting some stuff ready for winter. We chatted for a few minutes. She has some hunting dogs and they all got barking and baying when we first rode up and that made Tinkerbell a little nervous. But, she didn't do anything bad. From Stephanie's house we had to ride the paved road home, about 3 miles. They are fairly quiet roads and Tink and Marie are both so good with traffic that it's not a problem. We did come across a scary white tee shirt laying on the road that Tink was quite sure was going to eat her though! Silly girl. We were out about 4 hrs. and had a wonderful ride. 

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