The barn project is coming along slow but sure. Mostly slow. Things have been held up by unexpected difficulties.....which is to be expected. Fred has been working so hard on this but there are just so many hours in a day. I did get out riding yesterday as Fred's brother Leigh came over to help him. I rode my horse Marie as I thought I'd be able to ride Louie today. But, the guys didn't get as much done as they thought they would due to some difficulties digging the footer. They got tired of fighting with the rocks and rented a jack hammer. And there were STILL some rocks that resisted removal and will simply become part of the footer. So, I had to stay around to help Fred today. My friend came over and took Marie out for a ride so Marie had a busy weekend and Louie got left home two days in a row. He is not used to that and was not a happy boy.
Stupid rock!
Fred trying to get me to stop taking picture and hold the tape measure straight
Fred working hard, Zephyr the dog supervising, me still standing around taking pictures.
Work done for the day
Barbara with Marie coming back from her ride
Something caught Louie's attention when he was rolling
Louie on high alert
Louie braying
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