A new mule has come into my life finally. She is a wonderful 6 year old 16H molly mule out of a Tennessee Walker mare. I am hoping she will share my passion for distance riding.
Saturday, March 14, 2015
Around the Block

Friday, March 13, 2015
Back to the Beach at Last
My trailer has been snowed in for weeks now. But, I decided I could get it out today. Actually, getting it out was not so much the worry but rather if I'd get it back in and turned around again. I decided to not think about the getting back in and just going for a beach ride. Low tide was 11:10 AM today so the plan was to be there by 10:00 AM so we'd have to leave my house around 9:00 AM. At 9:30 AM Fred woke up to the sounds of Cierra walking up on our porch. ACK! We all overslept. Even the dogs! They usually wake Fred up around 6:00 AM wanting to go out. Fred sent Cierra out to feed the horses, I jumped up, grabbed a quick cup of coffee and huffed down a bowl of cereal and went out and got the trailer hooked up. After filling hay bags and loading saddles into the trailer, and horses of course, we were on our way.
When we got to Popham Beach State Park, the gates were closed. Gurrrrrr. So, we drove down to the Fort and hoped that there would be room there to park the trailer. Much to our relief there was room for us to park there. We tacked up and headed down the path by the fort to the beach. The start of the path was bare ground but then there was snow, and more snow and we came to a spot where Marie didn't want to go any further so Cierra went by me and led the way on Tink and kept following the path trod down in the snow by walkers. Then suddenly Tinkerbell was breaking though and sinking deep and I see a s few pieces of a snow fence peaking out of the snow on my right hand side. I know that fence should be on my left side and this was not good. We were in a huge snow drift and had gone off the path out over the bank and rocks. It was tense for a moment but we managed to get turned around and out of there unharmed. Phew! We rode back to the trailer and went the short way down the road and accessed the beach by Spinney's Restaurant.
The temps today were only in the high 20's or low 30's but it was sunny and little wind so it was very nice on the beach. We walked most of the way down to the point and then went into the water there. I was in the lead and suddenly hear a loud "Tink, NO! I turned around and Tink was sitting down in the ocean getting ready to take a nice roll! Cierra caught her just before she dropped her front end into the water. It was the funniest thing. I just happened to have my camera in hand and caught a picture accidentally. When Cierra got Tink out of the water, Tink reared up twice playfully just feeling full of it. Cierra quickly got her attention and got her going down the beach and behaving. We did some trotting and cantering out to Fox Island and there we climbed up the rocks. We then rode as far as we could going west along the beach. It was well past low tide by this time we couldn't go nearly as far as we had gone the last time we'd come but in this spot we had some wind in our faces and it was chilly. We then headed back and had just the nicest ride back to the fort.
Crazy Mares
Cierra and I hopped onto Tinkerbell and Marie bareback and rode out into the field. The snow is still so deep and too deep in some drifts in the woods to be safe for riding in so we just played in the field. Cierra was trotting Tinkerbell around and it got too deep for Tinkerbell to lift her legs clear of the snow. It was so cute because Tinkerbell was trying to be careful with Cierra so was trying not to lunge or jump through the snow. She finally came to a stop and just froze when she could no longer get her legs clear of the snow without lunging through it.
Cierra's phone fell out of her pocket along the path she was trotting and laying on top of the snow. She turned Tink around and rode back but didn't want to get off in the deep snow. I wish I'd gotten a video as Cierra decided she could lean off Tink far enough to reach the phone. Keep in mind she was riding bareback. But the snow was deep enough that she was able to do it but it was so funny watching her!
Going back to the gate Marie started bouncing around excitedly and wanting to trot. So, we turned both of them out together in Tinkerbell's paddock and they both went psycho! Marie was doing her best (and rarely seen) imitation of an Arabian! Tail flipped over her back, lofty trot and snorting! It was a riot watching her. Tink was bucking like a crazy thing. Silly girls.

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