Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Stinky Crabs

Brooke, Cierra and I went on our first trail ride since Cierra's horse, Tinkerbell, has come to stay at my house. Buckshot is on Doxy right now being treated for Lyme so we were hoping he would be feeling better than he has been. He definitely was much perkier today which we were all glad to see. When we started out, Tinkerbell was very excited. I was in the lead on Marie and Tink wanted to be right up Marie's butt. Marie and Tink are just WAY to fond of each other. After a little while, Cierra put Tink behind Buckshot to see if that would cool her jets a bit and it did work, she got her head back together and settled down nicely. We did the alpaca farm loop. The deer fly were horrible today. When we were approaching the concrete barrier that are at the start of the trail across from the highway garage on the Academy Rd. Brooke was in the lead and was very pleased when Buckshot did not hesitate at going through the gap between the barriers. But, halfway through, he suddenly stopped and did the nicest 180 degree spin and walked away from the barriers. He was then not at all inclined to lead the way through. Brooke said he spooked at what looked like some mushrooms growing behind the barrier. Cierra got Tink to lead through and it turned out it as not mushrooms behind the barrier but rather a very large, stinky pile of crab shells someone had dumped there. Other than the flies, it as a lovely day and a lovely ride.